Sep 4, 2007 23:50
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

flow exchange rate

English to Spanish Bus/Financial Finance (general)
- Flow exchange rate
- Current flow exchange rate difference
- Discrepancies between opening and flows

I'm translating a database, so this is all the context I have. Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Proposed translations

8 hrs

tipo de cambio del flujo de caja

Currency support
PerformancePoint has currency handling capabilities far in excess of those in other planning products, in line with its ultimate ambition in later releases to handle full-scale financial consolidation applications. Although typical planning applications may not need their full power, they will be useful for organizations that require their management and statutory consolidation systems, as well as their planning applications to deliver similar results. They will also be needed in management reporting applications that seek to separate variations
due to currency fluctuations from other factors.

It comes with a currency rule template, which unlike most templates, does not use placeholders or need customization. The currency translation rules are run as a job that applies to one entity (and its descendants) at a time. The template obviously applies different
translation rules to equity and income (P&L) accounts, taking account of the Flow dimension, with adjustments being stored in the FXF member of the Flow dimension. The Flow dimension is used to track the various stages of a financial consolidation, and has the following system-calculated members:

• OPE — Opening balance
• MVT — Short term movement
• FX — Exchange rate variation
• FXO — Opening exchange rate difference
• FXF — Current flow exchange rate difference
• INT — Intercompany reconciliation flow
• CLO — Closing balance
Peer comment(s):

agree Margarita Ezquerra (Smart Translators, S.L.)
5 hrs
gracias Smartranslators
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "¡Muchísimas gracias!"
15 mins

flujo del tipo de cambio

we have many currency exchange companies in Cancún and I'm familiar with the way they operate.
Example sentence:

Peer comment(s):

agree Juan Mende
1 hr
agree Nora Bellettieri
1 hr
agree MikeGarcia
8 hrs
agree David Girón Béjar
16 hrs
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38 mins

tasa cambiaria/tasa de cambio aplicada a flujo de fondos


Bastante dificil tu pregunta :)

Tiene que ver con operaciones entre empresas o unidades dentro de una empresa y hay cambios en las tasas de cambio de moneda que afectan los flujos, etc...

por lo tanto se deben poner de acuerdo en una tasa específica, para evitar diferencias....

Flow CM = HUF value of FX income – HUF value of FX expenditures

Flujo de liquidez cambiaria del Banco Central (la balanza cambiaria). ... Salida de divisas = foreign exchange outflow
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