Jan 29, 2007 11:35
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
tree-clad gorges
English to Spanish
Japan's landscape
It is well watered by numerous rocky rivers, whose tree-clad gorges remind one of Scotland; just as certain of the seaside places at the extremity of the alluvial plains are, in the distance, not unlike some European watering places. Variety of elevation and a temperate climate combine to encourage flora of the most varied kind. The flat country by the rivers, generally devoted to the cultivation of rice, grows plants, bamboo for instance, that are semi-tropical or tropical; the hills are covered with pine trees, while the gardens and roadsides are gay with cherry and plum trees, or shadowed by cedars. The great avenues of the latter, which line many of the now almost deserted highways, are, perhaps, a more impressive reminder of bygone state than even the temples with their wonderful carvings and gay red lacquer that contrast so well with the dark foliage. The variations of the climate, the ever present mist that in warm weather allows the distance to be visible only for a short time in the early morning, coupled with this diversity of scenery, make the country an ideal one for the landscape painter who can do no more than copy the scene before him.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
4 mins
gargantas/barrancos cubiertos de bosque
Depende de la zona de Escocia -
Note added at 1 day9 mins (2007-01-30 11:44:40 GMT) Post-grading
Gracias Paula.
Note added at 1 day9 mins (2007-01-30 11:44:40 GMT) Post-grading
Gracias Paula.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Gracias a todos. lo de medical fue un despite mío, sorry, pero muy bueno leo de la garganta"
21 mins
28 mins
gargantas / cañones boscosos
gargantas boscosas / cañones boscosos
1 hr
cañones cubiertos de verdes árboles
Incluyo verde para que de mejor la imagen de Escocia
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