This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Nov 4, 2004 19:00
20 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term
English to Spanish
IT (Information Technology)
gesti�n de bases de datos
This command will rollforward all logs located in the log folder specified in the database configuration file for "sample". Only the syscatspace and userspace1 tablespaces will be rolled forward. Since this is an online rollforward, all other tablespaces in the database may be accessed by other applications.
This command will rollforward all logs located in the log folder specified in the database configuration file for "sample". Only the syscatspace and userspace1 tablespaces will be rolled forward. Since this is an online rollforward, all other tablespaces in the database may be accessed by other applications.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
7 mins
rodar hacia delante
8 mins
Ejecutar simultáneamente.
17 mins
Microsoft sugiere dejarlo como tal (ver url más abajo)
en todo caso, el rollforward es el recuperar una base de datos (el estado en que se encontraba), llevand a cabo transacciones registradas en un fichero log
en todo caso, el rollforward es el recuperar una base de datos (el estado en que se encontraba), llevand a cabo transacciones registradas en un fichero log
30 mins
recorrer sucesivamente
tal cual
1 hr
�Esto no tiene sentido?
"This command will rollforward all logs ..." proporcionada en el texto de referencia.