May 19, 2012 14:08
12 yrs ago
15 viewers *
English term

having given notice

English to Spanish Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Law
I wanted to know the verb tense of this sentence, that belongs to a Petition for Adoption:
"And although his consent is not required, the Court having given notice of the proposed adoption to:"

Is it "debe presentar la solicitud"

Thanks in advance!
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Non-PRO (1): Rosa Paredes

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Proposed translations

1 hr

habiendo comunicado/notificado (la propuesta de adopción a...)

El significado de "give notice of the proposed adoption to..." es este,

"Y a pesar de no ser necesario/a su consentimiento/su conformidad, el tribunal, habiendo comunicado/notificado a .... la propuesta de adopción, ..."

Note added at 1 hr (2012-05-19 15:43:15 GMT)

"Before placement by a director or an adoption agency

6 (1) Before placing a child for adoption, a director or an adoption agency must


(g) make reasonable efforts **to give notice of the proposed adoption to**

(i) anyone who is named by the birth mother as the child's birth father if his consent is not required under section 13, and
(ii) anyone who is registered under section 10 in the birth fathers' registry in respect of the proposed adoption."

Véase ejemplo en contexto,
Peer comment(s):

agree eski
2 hrs
Muchas gracias eski. ¡Un saludo!
agree Alba Latienda
2 hrs
Muchas gracias Alba. Saludos.
agree María Diehn
3 hrs
Muchas gracias María. Saludos.
agree Lords
5 hrs
Muchas gracias Lords. Saludos.
agree Gabriella Bertelmann : agree
5 hrs
Muchas gracias Gabriella. Saludos.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
20 mins

habiendo presentado la solicitud

Peer comment(s):

agree Ruth Wöhlk
13 mins
Something went wrong...
1 day 2 hrs

Habiéndole/s el tribunal/juzgado notificado...

Otra opción con el correspondiente pronombre.
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