Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

monitoring agents

Spanish translation:

agentes monitores

Added to glossary by David Davis
Mar 15, 2002 01:50
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Monitoring agents

English to Spanish Law/Patents Govt.
"All monitoring agents should read this order before monitoring."

*This is in a court order in the US.

Proposed translations

11 mins

Agentes Monitores

I'm not entirely sure if this fits in your context, but check out the link below:

"Policía Local de Burgos en el seno de su estructura organizativa posee una Sección de Educación Vial dedicada a colaborar con los Centros Educativos - principalmente - en la formación vial de los escolares desde 3º- de Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato.

La programación anual se establece en dos fases diferenciadas:

Una primera en la que los Agentes Monitores se desplazan a los Centros Escolares donde imparten charlas divulgativas sobre materias de seguridad vial, apoyadas con material audiovisual y ajustadas a cada etapa."

There are also various other Google hits with this term.

Hope this helps:-)



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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! I wasn't too sure if that made sense. The only thing I could find was monitorizar, but I'd never heard it anywhere. Thanks again."
10 mins

agentes observadores

the verbe "observar" in spanish has a different meaning than in english, and it corresponds to "to monitor"
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