Dec 15, 2002 19:53
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Law/Patents Supervisi�n bancaria
"Delinquency status. Lenders should monitor delinquency trends within the accounts receivable base....Most underwriting agreements specify that all accounts of a single customer(of the borrowing company) will be designated ineligible collateral when any of that customer's receivables become ineligible. This is referred to as "cross-aging.
Proposed translations (Spanish)
3 +3 Vencimiento cruzado

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Vencimiento cruzado

sounds like cross-maturing, fading away, loosing validity.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas Gracias, y los mismo a quienes apoyaron la respuesta."
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