May 17, 2010 11:07
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Top Sergeant

English to Spanish Other Military / Defense rango

me gustaría saber cómo se traduce este rango.
Dejo un enlace de una pregunta que hice sobre "Top". Todavía no me queda claro si traducirlo o no y quisiera saber qué es "top sergeant" para decidirme.

Proposed translations (Spanish)
5 +4 Sargento primero
4 mayor


Laura Gómez (asker) May 17, 2010:
In the Army and Marines, the first sergeant is often referred to as "Top," or "Top Kick." The nickname has obvious roots in that the first sergeant is the "top" enlisted person in the unit, and a "kick in the pants" is a motivation tool (not literally, at least in today's military) to get the troops into gear.

Proposed translations

1 hr

Sargento primero

First Sergeant
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Top Sergeant)

First Sergeant is the name of a military rank used in some countries.

top sergeant Sustantivo

1. sargento, sargento primero; Sinónimos: sergeant, corporal; Any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the army or air force or marines ranking above a corporal. sergeants...

Peer comment(s):

agree imatahan
3 hrs
Thank you imatahan
agree nahuelhuapi
5 hrs
Thank you nahuelhuapi
agree Carl Bahnson
6 hrs
Thank you Carl
agree Jairo Payan : sergeant
8 hrs
Thank you jairo
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 day 22 hrs


Top sergeant es una expresión coloquial que equivaldría al actual empleo de Suboficial Mayor, al que coloquialmente se le llama el "mayor" de la Unidad.
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