Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

thrill ride

Spanish translation:

atracciones emocionantes o atracciones de alta adrenalina

Added to glossary by BelkisDV
Dec 8, 2001 03:22
23 yrs ago
8 viewers *
English term

thrill ride

English to Spanish Other
Thrill rides are more thrilling than ever. Are they more dangerous than ever? The experts can debate it.

Proposed translations

1 hr

atracciones emocionantes o atracciones de alta adrenalina

Explanation in your other post.

Peer comment(s):

agree Magno : I would use "atracciones de alta adrenalina" it puts the thrill in those words.
4 hrs
agree olv10siq
6 hrs
agree Rick Henry : I also like "de alta adrenalina"
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
12 mins


Peer comment(s):

disagree Hazel Whiteley : atracciones includes the really boring rides too. We are talking about the sort of ride that makes people scream.
1 hr
neutral Magno : Hazel: Gee lui! come down! :O)
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

Atracciones no aptas para cardiacos

Mi opinión
Peer comment(s):

agree olv10siq : También muy buena
16 mins
agree maria_g : buena idea
1 hr
agree urst
2 hrs
Gracias a todos
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9 hrs

juegos (mecánicos) emocionantes

Sudamérica y Miami
se conocen como juegos mecánicos las atracciones de los parques y actividades como paracaídas en el sitio, escalar montañas artificiales, etc. ¿A qué juego subiste?
Los juegos emocionantes


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1 day 14 hrs

Juegos electrizantes.

I think the term "electrizante" makes a good translation.

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