Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

hold the perpetrators

Spanish translation:

hacer responsables a los perpetradores

Jan 30, 2002 05:07
23 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term

hold the perpetrators

Non-PRO English to Spanish Other
To reduce the prevalence of domestic violence

hold the perpetrators responsible

Proposed translations

1 hr

hacer responsables a los perpetradores

para reducir la prevaleciente violencia doméstica
Peer comment(s):

agree Silvina Beatriz Codina : the whole expression is "hold responsible": responsabilizar o hacer responsables
6 hrs
Muchas gracias, Silvana !
agree Maria
9 hrs
Mil gracias, María !
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much!!!"
8 mins

detener/retener a los autores materiales del crimen/perpetradores

own experience
Peer comment(s):

agree Robert INGLEDEW : o encarcelar.
4 mins
agree Fernando Muela Sopeña : De acuerdo con Robert. Me suena más natural "autores".
38 mins
agree Anabel Gargallo
3 hrs
disagree urst : to hold s.o. responsible es hacer a alg. responsable, o culpar a alg.
6 hrs
disagree Maria : It is not detaining the perpetrators, but to hold them responsible.
10 hrs
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9 mins

retener a los perpetrantes

perpetrantes podría ser reemplazado por causantes/victimarios
Necesitaría más contexto. Espero que te ayude.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Maria : No, it is nos retener o detener, pero hacerles responsables de su crimen o delito
10 hrs
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