Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

hall of residence

Spanish translation:

residencia universitaria / colegio mayor

Added to glossary by Brigit
Sep 5, 2002 16:40
22 yrs ago
20 viewers *
English term

halls of residence

English to Spanish Other
In reference to a university.

Proposed translations

12 mins

residencia universitaria / colegio mayor

both are possible, pero yo eligiria lo primero.

pero solo 'residencia' puede inducir a error
Peer comment(s):

agree Beatriz Cirera : residencia universitaria mejor,si
8 mins
Gracias, Beatriz.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
3 mins

colegios universitarios


Note added at 2002-09-05 16:48:21 (GMT)

in public unversities; in the private ones, residencia. Depends on yr context

Note added at 2002-09-05 17:01:18 (GMT)

Brigida is right: I meant to say \"colegios mayores....\"
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3 mins


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29 mins

dormitorio para estudiantes

Hola Ernesto,

Si se refiere a los edificios donde viven los estudiantes, "residence halls/halls of residence" es sinónimo de "dormitory".

Espero que te sirva.
Saludos :^)
Peer comment(s):

agree Judith Kerman : This is definitely the meaning in the U.S., but usually phrased "residence halls"
32 mins
Thanks, Judith :^)
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