Feb 1, 2013 05:31
12 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Other Other
hola tengo una pregunta sopre como poder traducir correctamente la palabra butcher tengo una frase aque dice " you are a butcher". como puedo traducirla sin tener que traducirla como carnicero?
Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 +1 matarife/sanguinario/verdugo
2 descuartizador
Change log

Feb 1, 2013 05:33: lorenab23 changed "Language pair" from "Spanish to English" to "English to Spanish"


context is king !
lorenab23 Feb 1, 2013:
Hello and welcome to ProZ First I have changed your language pair since you had at as Spanish<>English. Second, can you please provide more context so we can help you better? Without knowing how is being said it will be difficult for us to give you the best word. You may add additional context in this same section. Thank you

Proposed translations

11 hrs


dependerá de tu contexto
Peer comment(s):

agree Mónica Sauza : matón/asesino
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 day 20 hrs


depends on the context...
Something went wrong...
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