Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

head below

Spanish translation:

inodoro/escusado/letrina debajo de la consola

Added to glossary by Ronaldo Bassini
Jul 30, 2013 15:37
11 yrs ago
English term

head below

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Ships, Sailing, Maritime Patrol speedboat
In the description of the characteristics of a patrol speedboat:
"Center Console with Head Below, 12V Outlet on Dash"

Thank you!
Change log

Aug 4, 2013 01:02: Ronaldo Bassini Created KOG entry


Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington (asker) Jul 30, 2013:
Sanitario Puse "sanitario", gracias a todos.
Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington (asker) Jul 30, 2013:
Thank you Thank you, K_Muller. I think Ronaldo was actually right- Interesting pictures and video. Thanks again for pointing it out.
Ronaldo Bassini Jul 30, 2013:
or "w.c.", muy usado en México...., aúnque son iniciales para "water closet"
Katarzyna Müller Jul 30, 2013:
I guess you could use a nicer word though like "servicio" o "baño"
Katarzyna Müller Jul 30, 2013:
Ronaldo Bassini is right. This is how it looks like:

The toilet room (head) is hidden below the console.
Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington (asker) Jul 30, 2013:
HEAD Ronaldo, I guess yo DO need a head (WC) when out boating, but that is actually on the list elsewhere. Thanks!
Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington (asker) Jul 30, 2013:
List It is in a list of the characterstics of the boat.
"Bilge Pumps (2) Automatic 1200 GPH (1) Water Puppy and Manual Pump
Center Console with Head Below, 12V Outlet on Dash
Compass, liquid
Dash with Full Instrumentation"
Sorry, that is not really context.
Peter Guest Jul 30, 2013:
no more context? -

Proposed translations

37 mins

inodoro/escusado/letrina debajo de la consola

I guess you need one when you're out boating.....
Peer comment(s):

agree Katarzyna Müller
48 mins
Thank you....
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much, Ronaldo. Also thanks to the others who helped."
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