Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Rust Belt

Spanish translation:

Rust Belt

Jan 9, 2002 13:03
23 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

Rust Belt

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering
The USA’s Rust Belt has long provided a steady stream of work for demolition specialists


Proposed translations

59 mins

Rust Belt

Hay varios <hits> dónde se usa el inglés en documentos en español. Así que lo mejor sería explicar lo siguiente (más abajo te doy ejemplos del uso de Rust Belt en español):

Economic region in the NE quadrant of the United States, focused on the Midwestern (see Midwest) states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, as well as Pennsylvania. The term gained wide use in the 1970s as the formerly dominant industrial region became noted for the abandonment of factories, unemployment, outmigration, the loss of electoral votes, and overall decline.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchísimas gracias por tu ayuda. La primera referencia es muy buena."
7 mins

Anillo de edificios herrumbados - Anillo de óxido

Anillo de edificios muy antiguos, cuyas estructuras de hierro están ya oxidadas (por eso los demuelen, ya sea para dar paso a edificios más altos, o por razones de seguridad, ya que sus estructuras de hierro no son confiables)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Marian Greenfield : Rust belt is a region of the U.S. I forget whether rust refers to Detroit (auto manufacturing) or other industries
44 mins
Thank you, Marian. I am not familiar with the USA geography, and therefore had to take a guess.
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