Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Turkish translation:

ses aralığı

Nov 6, 2008 06:54
16 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Turkish Art/Literary Music
Definition from
Distance between the lowest and highest tones of a melody, an instrument or a voice. This span can be generally described as narrow, medium or wide in range.
Example sentences:
We are trying to remedy that here with the chart below, in which the frequency markings strung out along the bottom baseline are related to the frequency ranges shown above them of the various instruments in an orchestra. (psb Speakers)
A range of four to four and one half octaves (47-56 bells) is most desirable since almost all carillon music can be played on such an instrument (by comparison, a piano has 88 notes, while an organ keyboard has 61). (The Carillon as a Musical Instrument)
Many instruments have their range as part of their name: soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, baritone horn, alto flute, bass flute, alto recorder, bass guitar, etc. (Wikipedia)
Proposed translations (Turkish)
5 +2 ses aralığı
Change log

Nov 5, 2008 23:49: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Nov 6, 2008 06:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Nov 9, 2008 06:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jan 6, 2009 17:04: Mauricio Zoch

Jan 17, 2009 04:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

19 mins

ses aralığı

Definition from own experience or research:
Müzik aletlerinde ya da vokalde ulaşılabilen en bas sesle (frekans) en tiz ses arasındaki aralık.
Example sentences:
21 yaşından sonra hala daha ses aralığı geliştirilebilir mi acaba? Geliştirilebilirse sesimi nasıl daha da inceltebilirim? (
İSİM : Klasik Gitar AİLE : Telli Çalgılar SES ARALIĞI : yaklaşık 3 oktav (hobi sitesi)
Peer comment(s):

agree Pelin Yalcin (X) : Dogrudur. Ek ornek vermek gerekirse:"Ses aralığı 3,5 oktav olan,akçaağaç tahtası ve metal borudan yapılan bir tahta nefesli çalgı olan fagot.Uzunluğu 1,3 metre,borunun açılmış hali ise 2,5 metredir." --
61 days
agree Vedat Diker
71 days
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