This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Jul 9, 2004 16:42
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

EU (acronym)

English Other Accounting
There's a list of items containing this acronym (EU)I'm not sure about.

Here is the list of entries:
Eu Mnt - Mills
Eu Mnt - Building Maintenance Plant
Eu Mnt - Centrifuges
Eu Mnt - Conveyors
Eu Mnt - Crushers
Eu Mnt - Electric - General
Eu Mnt - Evaporator
Eu Mnt - Maintenance - Other
Eu Mnt - Hydroclones
Eu Mnt - Loading Out Road Rail Ship
Eu Mnt - Lubricants

Discussion Jul 11, 2004:
Thank you all, I'm closing w/o grading not knowing the answer Jul 10, 2004:
client's suggestion My client suggested to leave obscure abbreviations as they are, but I'd prefer to ask the support of some mothertongue's knowledge in this field.
sylvie malich (X) Jul 10, 2004:
I suggest that the asker pick up the phone and call the client.
zaphod Jul 9, 2004:
What are we talking about?
hirselina Jul 9, 2004:
Eu: executed? Jul 9, 2004:
From the list of entries (conveyors, hidroclones, lubricants, etc.) I would exclude European Union as well as monitoring.
Melanie Nassar Jul 9, 2004:
Is it EU or Eu?
Yoana Yotova Jul 9, 2004:
Could it be monitoring(though I've seen it like this only in some aviation texts)
Or management? Jul 9, 2004:
maintenance, I guess
hirselina Jul 9, 2004:
what is "mnt"?


4 mins

Electrical Utilities

Or something else from here:

Note added at 18 mins (2004-07-09 17:00:46 GMT)

Eu like this could be just Europe

Note added at 18 mins (2004-07-09 17:01:03 GMT)

or European...
Peer comment(s):

agree pike : sounds plausible
8 mins
agree Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

ex usine

Just a guess - could mean ex usine (ex plant, ex factory)
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

Not just European Union, see explanation bleow

One or none of the below:
Electrical Utilities, Electronic Unit, Emission Unit, End User, Engineering Unit, etc. (Note: I'm just as lost as you are.)

As for mnt see this site as well.
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

edit unit

Domaine(s) : - audiovisuel
postproduction numérique


unité de durée n. f.
Équivalent(s) English edit unit

Définition :
Le plus petit intervalle de temps utilisable dans un montage.
just suggestion

Note added at 2 hrs 45 mins (2004-07-09 19:28:20 GMT)

the smallest frame time for mounting/mnt/

Note added at 2 hrs 46 mins (2004-07-09 19:29:35 GMT)

the smallest time frame for mounting/mnt/

Note added at 2 hrs 48 mins (2004-07-09 19:30:46 GMT)

Note added at 19 hrs 20 mins (2004-07-10 12:02:56 GMT)

could be also
European Union/EU/ Micro and Nano Technology/mnt/

Note added at 19 hrs 21 mins (2004-07-10 12:04:17 GMT)

see the link

Note added at 19 hrs 23 mins (2004-07-10 12:06:19 GMT)

The main aim of 4M is to develop Micro- and Nano- Technology (MNT) for the batchmanufacture of micro-components and devices in a variety of materials into user-friendly production equipment, processes and manufacturing platforms for incorporation into the
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1 day 51 mins

Could it be "Euro Montant"?

Might be one of these wonderful documents that's already been translated from French into English...
Something went wrong...
1 day 15 hrs

Acronym in a language other than English

This can not be an acronym in English language. So, unless we know the source language, we can not be sure.
Something went wrong...
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