Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

sketchy areas

English answer:

dodgy parts of town

Added to glossary by Andrea Re
Feb 22, 2007 22:41
18 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term

sketchy areas

English Other Tourism & Travel sketchy areas
"This hotel is perfect for anyone who wants to take a trip to New York and doesn't want to spend their entire budget on a hotel....
Likes: it is a great price, the decor is nice, very clean, safe neighborhood, across from Central Park
Dislikes: far from everything else but there is a subway nearby, sketchy areas a few blocks away"

sketchy???? = dodgy????


Paula Vaz-Carreiro Feb 22, 2007:
I take it that your second note (above) means I don't need to answer your comment to me ;-)
Andrea Re (asker) Feb 22, 2007:
Ok, ok, thank you very much to all. This is my new word for the day:)
Anna Maria Augustine (X) Feb 22, 2007:
Dodgy, questionable. It's on google.


3 mins

dodgy parts of town

dodgy parts of town nearby
Note from asker:
Hi there, have you come across this expression before? In my dictionaries it means.... well, sketchy:) and on internet there were too many hits (but nothing helpful using the define: option)
Peer comment(s):

agree Will Matter : I understand this word but it is definitely UK English. In the US we would say "dangerous" or "unsafe". BTW, "sketchy" is US slang.
20 mins
Thanks Willmatter and thanks for adding to my explanation
agree Ioanna Karamanou
5 hrs
Thanks Ioanna
agree Alfa Trans (X)
3 days 14 hrs
Thanks Marju
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hi all, thank you for your help. Obviously I was the only one who didn't know the word (I am going to toss my dictionarieS in the trash now). Good night and thank you to all again."
5 mins

unsafe or otherwise questionable areas

areas where one might get mugged or encounter unsavory characters, or perhaps simply areas that don't look "nice" (by the standards of the hotel guests)
Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl : -
6 mins
agree Will Matter : Right. This is US slang and "dodgy" is UK. Both are understandable.
19 mins
agree Ioanna Karamanou
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 mins

dodgy, unsafe, questionale

From the Urban Dictionary:
1. Sketchy

1) someone or something that just isnt right.
2) the feeling you get the morning after usuing a lot of drugs, most commonly associated with extacy.
3) something unsafe
4) someone or something that gives off a bad feeling

2. Sketchy

1. Adj. - Describes a person that has taken too much Speed and has become untrustworthy and unpredictable.

2. Also used to describe a place or action that is worrisome or unconfortable.

3. Sketchy

Iffy. Questionable.

4. sketchy 103 up, 29 down

This expression was first coined in reference to hastily drawn out, or sketched, building/construction plans, which were uncertain at best and disastrous at worst. The overall thread of meaning is the same, but now applies to morality/legality. On the overall continuim of goodness, things progress, in order: safe, sketchy, shady, outright criminal.

Getting wasted and gambling away half your paycheck in Nevada may be legal, but its definitely sketchy.

5. sketchy 67 up, 3 down

creepy, iffy, fairly unsafe, an air of uncertainty, not kosher, and just generally something or someone that you don't want to be associated with (or really do want to be associated with, depending on who you are...)
Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl : dodgy, unsafe, questionable
6 mins
agree Will Matter
18 mins
Something went wrong...
5 mins

areas that may be unsafe and give one a bad feeling

". Sketchy 340 up, 42 down

" 1) someone or something that just isnt right.
2) the feeling you get the morning after usuing a lot of drugs, most commonly associated with extacy.
3) something unsafe
4) someone or something that gives off a bad feeling"
(From: )

Note added at 6 mins (2007-02-22 22:47:41 GMT)

Oh dear - I'm sorry - the weird bit at the top is the voting on the dictionary entry I copied and posted in.

Note added at 8 mins (2007-02-22 22:49:32 GMT)

The link gives you a good explanation of the word and it's meaning(s), e.g.

"This expression was first coined in reference to hastily drawn out, or sketched, building/construction plans, which were uncertain at best and disastrous at worst. The overall thread of meaning is the same, but now applies to morality/legality. On the overall continuim of goodness, things progress, in order: safe, sketchy, shady, outright criminal."
Peer comment(s):

agree airmailrpl : -
7 mins
Thank you :-)
agree Will Matter : // I think "sketchy" may have originated in California so the skateboarding connection is clear. "Sketchy, dude, way, way sketchy. Sounds bogus. I'd steer clear if I was you. For real, dude".
22 mins
Sounds good to me-although there was something on Google which suggested a link with skateboarding-so it might be universal among that fraternity! Thank you :-) //I hope you have Skate>Eng on your profile as a language pair :-)
agree Sophia Finos (X)
4 hrs
Thank you :-)
agree Ioanna Karamanou
5 hrs
Thank you :-)
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