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Nov 20, 2006 13:31
17 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term


English to Romanian Marketing Other
"Programme and panellists". Dintr-o prezentare a unui workshop. Merci
Change log

Nov 20, 2006 13:33: Andrei Albu changed "Language pair" from "Romanian to English" to "English to Romanian"


eneralu Jun 5, 2009:
panelists That led the European People’s Party (EPP) to conduct a policy debate on its vision on how to Unite Europe on the World Stage, as stated in the main priorities of EPP’s electoral manifesto, Strong for the People when set its electoral manifesto at its Congress in Warsaw at the end of April in conjunction with the June 7 European Parliament elections. The panelists - John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and current EU Ambassador to the United States; Jamie Shea, head of NATO’s Policy Planning division; Elmar Brok, a Member of the European Parliament from Germany, EPP President Wilfried Martens and Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, EPP Secretary General and MEP - debated on how a self-confident and strong Europe can play a stronger role on the world stage.
Florin Ular Nov 20, 2006:
"A panellist may have an area of expertise, be a comedian or a general celebrity; it is this that differentiates from a member of the public, and is intended to make viewing (or listening) to the programme a more enjoyable affair."

Proposed translations

7 hrs

membru in juriu/comitet de conducere/masa rotunda

moderatorul e cel care conduce o emisiune, concurs,
panel se cheama totul de la un juriu la o masa rotunda
iar panelistul este un participant la respectivul juriu, masa rotunda etc

iar aici e prima parte a citatului tau

A Panellist is a person who appears as part of a Panel; typically someone making up part of a committee or jury. The term is usually used to refer to a member of a Panel Show or Panel Gameshow and in the later the term can be seen as similar with the word Contestant. The shows maybe on Television or Radio, and also may have a serious or frivolous tone
Peer comment(s):

agree Elvira Tatucu
8 hrs
neutral Emina Popovici : Daca "moderatorul" are doar sensul dat de tine, atunci de ce apare in toate programele atelierelor? Eu cred ca termenul are un sens mai larg...
11 hrs
agree Florin Ular : corect, aici se descrie cum decurge o astfel de emisiune (paragraful Format)
1 day 21 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr


Asa le spuneau toti cand participam eu la mese rotunde in timpul studentiei (si dupa :-) )
Se mai spune si "panelist" , dar nu prea suna OK. Oricum, rolul lor este de a modera discutiile de la masa rotunda

Vezi si google

Note added at 1 hr (2006-11-20 15:27:57 GMT)

Imi cer scuze, acum am vazut ca e la plural, deci: moderatori :-)

Note added at 19 hrs (2006-11-21 09:30:13 GMT)

Mie nu-mi suna nicicum varianta "membrii mesei rotunde"...asa ca prefer *panelist* pana la urma. Din moment ce se foloseste de cei din cadrul MAE, banuiesc ca nu s-a gasit un echivalent exact in romana...

Deci, daca *moderator* pare dubios, eu as ramane la varianta "panelist". Cei in domeniu vor intelege oricum mai degraba decat daca li se va spune "Programul si membrii mesei rotunde". Asta deoarece "panellists" nu inseamna toti membrii mesei rotunde, ci doar acei cu un pedigree mai colorat, so to speak :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Prims-Grup
23 hrs
neutral Florin Ular : Invitaţii la masa rotundă sunt panellists iar moderatorul are rol de chairman.
2 days 3 hrs
agree eneralu
927 days
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