Jun 28, 2004 21:08
20 yrs ago
French term

Ranger nomade

French to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Another title. No clues as to what the item is. Possibly the Ranger in the title is a play on words about some kind of storage unit. Thoughts?

Proposed translations

16 mins

Straightening up [your stuff] for rovers: Organizer for Rovers

nomade in French everyday speech are NOT nomads...it's the roving one does when young ..as in being a mover..getting around to see/do everything in a city, country...to be a rover

this means you can straighten up [clear up, organize your personal junk] that you pick up as you rove around town, or country or internationally

Note added at 17 mins (2004-06-28 21:25:36 GMT)

In the US,

Clutter Organizing...

Note added at 18 mins (2004-06-28 21:26:03 GMT)


Organizer for Your Junk....or Stuff

Note added at 20 mins (2004-06-28 21:28:24 GMT)

it\'s an ellipses of: ranger [strainghten up or put away or clear up or organize] les trucs que t\'as [r]amassé pendant vos périodes nomades ou de ballade ....that\'s what it means..
Peer comment(s):

agree Vicky Papaprodromou
21 mins
neutral Bourth (X) : In "everyday speech", "nomades" is gypsies, 'travellers', fairmen, etc.
23 mins
neutral awilliams : I don't know but I'm mighty glad I'm not doing this translation...! It would be worth getting hold of the pictures in the original catalogue.
24 mins
agree David Vaughn : Sounds likely - the objects described should confirm. BTW, Bourth is certainly right that nomade is (also) nomad in everyday French.
37 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Very comrehensive. Thanks"
9 mins

A camping trailer with the brand name "Ranger"

"title" of what?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : it's still the extreme furniture designer
7 mins
Maybe he's branching out.
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