Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

gérant non associé

English translation:

non-partner manager

Added to glossary by Lydia Smith
Feb 23, 2003 14:41
22 yrs ago
24 viewers *
French term

gerant non associe

French to English Bus/Financial
I have been given some good translations for 'gerant associe' (see yesterday's Kudoz question - especially managing partner) but still cannot arrive at a good translation for 'gerant non associe'. It must be distinguished both from 'gerant associe' and 'gerant' pure and simple!

Proposed translations

41 mins

partner manager / non-partner manager

...and manager, pure and simple. Pls see also links below.

Peer comment(s):

agree Yolanda Broad : See my comment for the partner (sic!) KudoZ on "gérant associé"
19 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much. I agree they're not very elegant ways of putting it, but there isn't the direct equivalent here."
5 mins

salaried, employee, franchisee, manager

ce qui montre clairement qu'il n'est pas artie prenante au capital ou aux bénéfices
le associé est associé au capital ou aux bénéfices ou autre participation financière, l'autre pas
si on veut vraiment les opposer, je tenterais partner manager and non-partner manager but only at a push

Note added at 2003-02-23 14:52:55 (GMT)

lire partie prenante
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1 hr

Manager OR General Manager (non-affiliate)

Quite frankly, these people are not good at giving titles. It's VERY bad to use a negative in a title, especially in English. IF affiliate is amenable to you for societes associes, which you seemed to indicate was the context, the only way to say it in my opinion is the way I have said it. Remember: managing partner is ONLY for partnerships. IF the companies are affiliates, they you have to say AFFILIATE MANAGER even if the person is ALSO CEO. AFFILIATE Manager is the elegant way to say Manager of Affiliates and making it adjectival. Maybe also Director (non-affiliate). Why don't they just say what part of the company or the company the guy or woman manages? ALSO< GENERAL MANAGER (non-affiliate)

Good luck...
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2 hrs

sleeping partner

For gerant associe I suggested "active partner" and for the gerant non-associe the term "non-active partner" or "sleeping partner". I stand by my suggestion, but with the difference, I opt for sleeping partner here.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : this is wrong because she said this is about affiliates or affiliated companies so ....
1 hr
neutral Eva Blanar : a sleeping partner invests capital, but does not work, the non-partner manager does work, but has no stake in the partnership
1 day 16 hrs
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