Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

sans rétention

English translation:

snag-free, streamlined

Added to glossary by David BUICK
Aug 29, 2007 06:06
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

sans rétention

French to English Tech/Engineering Engineering: Industrial product storage
This is talking about access ladders for the food processing industry etc.

"produits lisses sans rétention sans angles soudés pour tout ce qui touche le produit"

I think the idea is that there are no places that the food product can get stuck and build up so there is not the odd piece of tomato dating from 1957 on your pizza. All ideas for a suitable adjective welcome!


Eric BILLY Aug 29, 2007:
yep, that's the idea behind

Proposed translations

3 hrs

snag-free, streamlined

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks to all"
48 mins

barrier free

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18 mins

scratch-proof surface / see comments

while waiting for better idea to come

Note added at 23 mins (2007-08-29 06:29:39 GMT)

mistake I meant
scratch-free surface
tension-free surface

Note added at 25 mins (2007-08-29 06:31:28 GMT)

surface tension free

Note added at 1 hr (2007-08-29 07:49:22 GMT)

tension-free and reducing surface tension was used in a document I recently translated from english into french and dealing with food processing/equipments
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