Feb 4, 2007 18:12
18 yrs ago
French term

un établi

French to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Details of a SICAV compartiment

Le Conseil d'Administration a désigné ??? en tant que gérant de compartiment. ??? est un établi au ???. Son capital au ??? est de ???.

The question marks in the text are shown as a bullet point presumably representing information to be provided at a later point. Could this be an abbreviation of établissement?

TIA for any help

Proposed translations

1 hr

an entity, a business, etc.

Yes, in my opinion it must be an abbreviation, since the only definitions I found for établi as a noun were workbenches of different types.
Something went wrong...
7 hrs


There are ??? missing... I think it should be "??? est un ??? établi au ???. Which would then read "XXX is a (company/business) established at (address)."
Something went wrong...
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