Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

ouverture de crédit en compte courant

English translation:

agreed overdraft

Added to glossary by French2English
Apr 28, 2008 11:44
16 yrs ago
13 viewers *
French term

ouverture de crédit en compte courant

French to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) opening of credit
I know what this means (agreement whereby a bank agrees to place certain sums at the disposal of a client for a specified period), but I just can't think of a concise way of saying it in English. current account credit arrangement? line of credit? opening of credit?

Ainsi que cela résulte d'un acte reçu par Maître X, notaire à ...., la {banque}, société anonyme ayant son siège à ....., a accordé à la société venderesse une ***ouverture de crédit en compte courant*** d'un montant de XX.000.000,00 d'euros, valable jusqu'au [date].
Change log

Apr 28, 2008 11:56: writeaway changed "Field (specific)" from "Law: Contract(s)" to "Finance (general)"

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wfarkas (X) Apr 29, 2008:
Further to my proposed translation ('overdraft facility'), please note 'overdraft facility' is standard terminology used by bankers worldwide, including the British Bankers' Association, for accessing credits by way of C/A overdrafts.

Proposed translations

6 hrs

agreed overdraft

in UK parlance
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Not going with my countryman's answer for any other reason that I think this was, quite simply, all that it meant! All answers helpful, thanks to all contributors. "
11 mins

current account credit line

The Bank shall make available to the Borrower a [b]current account credit line[/b] on account number 10.4690.000 in the amount of. 700000.00 DM. ...

The [b]current account credit line [/b]shall be made available provided the following conditions have been met: o receipt of letter of guarantee ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Jack Dunwell : Opening of a line of credit...
4 hrs
Thank you, fourth.
agree rkillings
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

overdraft facility

This is an arrangement whereby Borrower (in this case the Seller) can access funds by overdrawing his current account.
Peer comment(s):

agree Tom Bishop
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
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