Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

essuyer les plâtres

English translation:

stick one's neck out

Added to glossary by Alanna Wilson-Duff
Oct 15, 2007 07:18
17 yrs ago
5 viewers *
French term

essuyer les plâtres

French to English Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
From a journalistic article about an enquiry into a prisoner's death in custody. It has been declared a suicide but doubts hang over the issue. I'm not familiar with this expression myself, but my dictionary is telling me it means 'to remedy initial or teething problems'. However, this really doesn't seem to fit the context. This quote is from the victim's mother and I don't think she is concerned with reforming the prison system, I think she just wants someone to look into the nature of her son's death. To my mind, what would fit better would be 'get your hands dirty' or 'do the dirty work'. There is no mention elsewhere in the text of teething problems. Can this expression be translated this way?

Autant de questions auxquelles la famille aimerait avoir des réponses. «Nous sommes au Luxembourg : tout ce qui dérange est enterré; personne ne veut essuyer les plâtres ». Pascale s'est heurtée à une administration opaque qui ne veut pas lui donner de réponse.


CMJ_Trans (X) Oct 15, 2007:
or even "the sacrifical lamb"
Emma Paulay Oct 15, 2007:
Yes, it sometimes has the sense of "to be the guinea pig" - although that's not the case here.
siragui Oct 15, 2007:
Several attempts at a definition on:
The implication is "be the fall guy", but I can't quite see the victim's mother saying this.
siragui Oct 15, 2007:
Idea of paying the price, taking a fall: "Etre le premier à subir les conséquences fâcheuses d'une situation expérimentale ou d'une période de nouveautés"
Harrap's: "to be the first to suffer"

Proposed translations

18 mins

stick one's neck out

nobody wants to be the first to stick his neck out/raise his nose above the parapet
Peer comment(s):

agree Melzie : correct register
1 min
agree Carol Gullidge : but "head" above the parapet more common
14 mins
goodness - I wrote "nose" Tiens !
agree Emma Paulay
18 mins
agree siragui : works fine in context
28 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks CMJ, this fits the bill. And the damn thing's due!"
9 mins

take responsability (in this case)

r+c says "we had all the initial problems to put up with", and I think, from the context you're right in thinking 'do the dirty work' but that it goes further still.

Note added at 16 mins (2007-10-15 07:34:48 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : responsibility
4 mins
Thnak yuo, CMJ. I shall copy it out 10 times and try to get that *** word locked in to the sawdust that is my brain.
agree siragui : Works fine in context
36 mins
Thank you, siragui.
Something went wrong...
43 mins

open up old wounds

I interpret this as not wanting to initiate something that may lead to a whole load of new problems (the "initial problems" of Collins Robert!)

More ideas along the same line of reasoning, that would involve a certain amount of transposition:

They all want to let sleeping dogs lie

It's a case of "let the dead bury the dead"

It's more than their job's worth to go down that line

Peer comment(s):

neutral Emma Paulay : I think it's much simpler than that. It's just a case of not wanting to be the first.
8 mins
No, I think it also refers to all the problems that would be entailed - hence the "initial problems to put up with" specified in Collins
neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : the expression carries clear overtones of breaking new ground, daring to step out of line - no "old wounds" to open
15 mins
I agree, but don't think that the "initial problems" side should be ignored
Something went wrong...
1 hr

set things moving, get the ball rolling; whistle blowing

Of "essuyer les plâtres", Lexis says:

"pénétrer le premier dans un bâtiment neuf; et (fam.), subir les inconvénients d'une nouveauté insuffisamment au point, dont on est un des premiers utilisateurs".

A bit like going over the top in trench warfare, so CMJ's suggestions seem fine.

Maybe something about "whistle-blowing" might work too, if you have context to support it.

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-10-15 09:44:27 GMT)

Or "no one's prepared to change/tackle the status quo".
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