Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

renvoi en marge paraphé bon

English translation:

one marginal alteration initialled by way of approval

Added to glossary by Kate Alex
Dec 8, 2004 16:21
20 yrs ago
37 viewers *
French term

renvoi en marge paraphé bon

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) death certificate
Appears at the end of a death certificate. "Nous avons dressé et clos ce present process-verbal que nous avons, après lecture, signé avec notre greffier et les comparants sachant le faire conformément à la loi. Un renvoi en marge paraphé bon."

Proposed translations

9 mins
French term (edited): renvoi en marge paraph� bon

one marginal alteration initialled by way of approval

at the end of legal documents there is often a list of words erased, lines crossed out etc.
Cross-reference might cover it too. Basically a word or note has been written in the margin in amendment of the text, with initials juxtaposed to demonstrate that the alteration has been approved.

Note added at 21 mins (2004-12-08 16:43:14 GMT)

The list of alterations, crossings out specifies the number of such alterations. Therefore \'one alteration\' rather than \'an alteration\' in this instance
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agree Víctor Nine
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