Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Oct 23, 2000 08:28
24 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

any ideas?

French to English Tech/Engineering Management
La maîtrise technique du développement et de l'exploitation opérationnelle en mode décisionnel de la base de données transactionnelles est un facteur essentiel à la réussite de X.

I got this far:

The success of X will depend on the implementation of effective development and operating mechanisms...

and then my brain exploded. Can anyone propose an ending or something entirely different?
Change log

Aug 18, 2009 08:37: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Management"

Proposed translations

34 mins

... be thoroughly proficient in developing and implementing the decision-making aspect of the ...

Maybe a nice tisane, to get those brain cells back together again? Oh... you mean the *sentence*!!!

I just got finished translating a bunch of this stuff. Things like \"maîtrise* are especially interesting to deal with. Here is my attempt:

For X to pull this off/If X is going to succeed at this/If X is going to make a go of this, they/he/she/it will need to be thoroughly proficient in developing and implementing the decision-making aspect of the transaction data base.

Maîtrise: proficiency (Termium)
Décisionnel: decision-making (LGDT)



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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very, very much!"
13 mins

Perhaps this will help:

"The matrix technique for making decisions about the development and operational use of the base of transitional donors is an essential factor for the success of X."

Luis Luis

Peer comment(s):

Yolanda Broad
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41 mins

rewrite, then translate

Not many of us can do both at once when both are called for. A brain explosion is a typical result. I'd turn something like this into manageable source language and then worry about the target.
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