Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by claude-andrew
Jun 25, 2012 07:44
12 yrs ago
French term


French to English Tech/Engineering Manufacturing Composite materials
Has anybody any idea of an English equivalent? It appears to be used for stress testing prepregs:
Text + diagram at:
The only other ref. on Google is to a site quoting the first paragraph verbatim.

**Vanographe (Vanograph)**

Appareil destiné à tester et contrôler la réception des approvisionnements préimprégnés, optimiser les cycles de polymérisation et assurer le contrôle qualité des pièces finies.

Cet appareil a été développé par le Laboratoire Central d'AEROSPATIALE MATRA.
Une éprouvette représentative du matériau dans son ensemble est fixée entre deux mors, l'un moteur et l'autre récepteur. L'ensemble est placé dans une enceinte programmable en température (de -70°C à +250°C). On applique un mouvement alternatif au mors moteur et on enregistre le mouvement transmis au mors récepteur.

Cas du système à mors horizontaux : l'éprouvette, selon sa rigidité et par effet de cisaillement, transmet plus ou moins complètement le mouvement. Ceci permet :
• d'étudier le comportement d'un stratifié au cours de la polymérisation ;
• de rechercher un cycle optimum de polymérisation ;
• de faire des essais à basse température.

Dans le système à mors verticaux, le mouvement est transmis d'un mors à l'autre par la flexion de l'éprouvette.
Ceci permet d'étudier :
• le comportement à chaud d'un composite ;
• l'influence de l'humidité ;
• l'influence du taux de polymérisation sur le comportement à chaud d'une résine.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 vanograph


chris collister Jun 25, 2012:
Essentially, your Vanograph seems to be a rheometer ( see eg. but evidently unknown outside Matra or France in general.
claude-andrew (asker) Jun 25, 2012:
@Chris Interesting analogy, Chris. Do let me know if the name pops up.
By the way, I too worked (in the sixties) on a dielectric material, Ta2O5 - rather a different kettle of fish, though, to resins!
chris collister Jun 25, 2012:
During my work on dielectric materials, I came across a technique in which the complex dielectric constant is measured continuously while the resin cures. This technique has a mechanical analogue in the dynamic tensometer in that it measures complex stiffness, ie both real and imaginary components (energy storage and dissipative terms respectively). The sample is excited sinusoidally with force and phase measured simultaneously. This provides much more information than static testing. I just can't remember the name of the machine...!

Proposed translations

33 mins


I think you could also leave vanographe*.
In any case I've found this:

Note added at 36 mins (2012-06-25 08:20:59 GMT)

I do apologise for the wrong link. I saw "vanograph" without noticing it actually just started a new line.

Note added at 41 mins (2012-06-25 08:26:37 GMT)

I'm unable to find a decent link on the net.
I still believe you can translate it as vanograph/vanographe.
Note from asker:
Yes, that's my plan B. I feel sure it's an in-house name (and the Aérospace Matra doesn't exist any more, it's been taken over)
Peer comment(s):

agree narasimha (X)
1 hr
Thank you narasimha!
neutral chris collister : Since a Vanograph is unknown outside France, you would have to qualify it in some way.
5 hrs
agree Manoj Chauhan : Vanograph is the correct translation referring to the source as it turn out to be a device which is used for ........ we also refers to it vanography but vanography is not for multi-purposes
6 hrs
Thank you for the clarification fr-translation :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
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