Jul 21, 2010 12:35
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

Rectum - grisaille mésentérique

French to English Medical Medical (general)
This appears in a list of 'événements indésirables' as an antecedent etc. I think it is likely to be a comment from a radiologist, but I cannot find an appropriate EN term. I hope some of you medics can help.

Proposed translations

51 mins

see explanation

This seems to be a bit of a mix-up of terminology.
"Grisaille" is diffuse opacity, or ground-glass appearance, and is seen when there is ascites, mesenteric ischaemia, for example. The more usual expression is "grisaille abdominale".

Mesenteric opacity is possible (opacity of the mesentery), but this doesn't have much to do with the rectum.

If you can't get any further explanation from the author, I'd go for "rectum - diffuse mesenteric opacity", but don't ask me what it means!

Note from asker:
Many thanks for such a comprehensive answer.
Thanks. I went with your suggestion, and the sky hasn't fallen in....
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
59 mins

rectum - flabby mesentery of the small intestine

grisaille in the sense of shapeless, non conspicuous. the French term is not clear enough to provide unambiguous solutions
Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : I am not following this?
1 min
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1 hr

echogenic mesentery

looks grayish on the ultrasound-scan (gray-scale ultrasonographie)

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-07-21 14:59:15 GMT)

sorry : ultrasonography
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Reference comments

1 hr

I just looked into this out of interest, seems to be associated with "effusion"...


2. Radiologie

L'abdomen sans préparation (ASP), debout de face, montre des niveaux hydroaériques du grêle (iléus), une grisaille diffuse (épanchement péritonéal), un croissant gazeux sous-diaphragmatique (air libre péritonéal). Le thorax de face évalue l'état pleuro-pulmonaire et cardiaque en prévision de l'anesthésie générale.

examen clinique abdominal - copie.ppt - Présentation PowerPoint
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... Images calciques (lithiases); Granité (stase stercorrhale); Grisaille diffuse (épanchement) ... Radiologie. Abdomen sans préparation COUCHE. Distension grêle ... Douleurs abdominales diffuses (modérées, pas de péritonisme) ...

however, you have an expert opinion from SJLD:)
Note from asker:
Liz, Thanks for going to all this trouble. It all helps.
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