Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

wobble modulation, wobulation or staggering

Added to glossary by Yolanda Broad
Sep 27, 2000 10:07
24 yrs ago
French term


French to English Tech/Engineering
la Gigue qui introduit une wobulation de +/﷓10% sur la période d'émission. Cette gigue répond à une exigence spécifiée par CLS-ARGOS

Has anyone come across the word "wobulation" and if so what the hell does it mean?!

Proposed translations

26 mins

wobble modulation, wobulation or staggering

LGDT has "wobbulator" in English for the French "wobbulateur", but not "wob(b)lation"

Using the other spelling (see below, for Termium), with a V rather than a W, it has:


wobble modulation (a)
Frequency modulation of a carrier at a frequency low relative to that of any subsequent amplitude modulation. (a)

ululation n f (a)
recommandé par un organisme national ou international
Modulation de fréquence d'une porteuse par une oscillation dont la fréquence fondamentale est très basse par rapport aux fréquences du signal éventuel modulant en amplitude la même porteuse. (a)

vobulation n f (a)
recommandé par un organisme national ou international
[1970] RBT4493496

Termium translates it (but also writes it: *wobbulation*, with 2 Bs, in French):

staggering s NOUN

And, to help clarify the concept some more, here is Termium's entry for "vobulateur, wobbulateur, hululeur ou générateur modulé en fréquence":

English:Electrical Measurements
sweep generator s CORRECT
FM signal generator s
sweep oscillator s CORRECT,SEE RECORD
DEF - A test instrument that generates a radio-frequency voltage whose frequency varies back and forth through a given frequency range at a rapid constant rate; used to produce an input signal for circuits or devices whose frequency response is to be observed on an oscilloscope. s
DEF - for "sweep oscillator" : An oscillator in which the output frequency varies continuously and periodically between two frequency limits. s
DEF - for "wobbulator" : A device, usually mechanical, used to frequency-modulate an oscillator for test purposes. s
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much for your time and the detailed answer."
14 mins


This means a frequency change of a random nature ad it was translated by "wobbulation" because the correct word for a non-random frequency change is "balayage". In this case it seems to be induced by a "jigue", which is a pulse jitter.
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17 mins

low frequency modulation

Wobbulation ou Vobulation= Modulation dont la fréquence fondamentale est très basse par rapport à la fréquence porteuse.
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27 mins

here are good sites to look for wobulation:http://
otherwise the answer above mine is correct, so I don't have to add.
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29 mins

strange word indeed

but I've found a site where it's been translated into English as 'wobulation' -
'Wobulation' in the following sentence explains what it's all about:
"...the Defense Department has agreed to decommission Selective Availability (SA), the "wobulation" they intentionally designed into the signals that civilians use to mess up navigation accuracy..."

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1 hr

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2 hrs

frequency fluctuation

from the english word to wobble
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