Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
service technique prescripteur
English translation:
customer technical department
Added to glossary by
Yolanda Broad
Feb 20, 2003 09:07
22 yrs ago
24 viewers *
French term
French to English
Specifications for tenders: "Le fournisseur proposera pour acceptation par le service technique prescripteur un dossier de controle..."
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
customer technical department
the one having placed the order or for which the order was placed
si on veut éviter le precribe...
si on veut éviter le precribe...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "You're right, no point in over-complicating!!"
2 mins
the prescribing technical service/department
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Meri Buettner
: not sure "prescribe" can be used here (c'est plutôt méd. et juridique)
15 mins
14 mins
Expert channel, influencer, specifier
[GDT] expert channel
key influencer
prescripteur n. m.
prescriptrice n. f.
préconisateur n. m.
Déf. :
Personne dont l'influence peut être décisive sur certains achats sans qu'elle achète pour autant ces mêmes produits ou soit directement intéressée à leur vente.
Note(s) :
Le prescripteur n'a aucun lien de subordination ni avec l'entreprise qui fabrique ou qui vend le produit recommandé, ni avec la personne qu'il conseille.
[Office de la langue française, 1993]
Termium gives same terms
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:28:25 (GMT)
***maybe the \"specifying\" service department, engineering service/department, technical services...
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:31:10 (GMT)
also : advising, refering
the referring service dept. seems to be the better choice (in my opinion of course)
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:31:52 (GMT)
oops! referRing (2 \"r\")
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:45:11 (GMT)
***The supplier shall(will) provide (submit) a \"dossier de controle...\" for referring service department approval\"
good luck!
key influencer
prescripteur n. m.
prescriptrice n. f.
préconisateur n. m.
Déf. :
Personne dont l'influence peut être décisive sur certains achats sans qu'elle achète pour autant ces mêmes produits ou soit directement intéressée à leur vente.
Note(s) :
Le prescripteur n'a aucun lien de subordination ni avec l'entreprise qui fabrique ou qui vend le produit recommandé, ni avec la personne qu'il conseille.
[Office de la langue française, 1993]
Termium gives same terms
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:28:25 (GMT)
***maybe the \"specifying\" service department, engineering service/department, technical services...
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:31:10 (GMT)
also : advising, refering
the referring service dept. seems to be the better choice (in my opinion of course)
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:31:52 (GMT)
oops! referRing (2 \"r\")
Note added at 2003-02-20 09:45:11 (GMT)
***The supplier shall(will) provide (submit) a \"dossier de controle...\" for referring service department approval\"
good luck!
3 hrs
"service technique prescripteur" may be "customer tech dept", BUT prescripteur is NOT customer
The selected answer translated "service technique prescripteur" as "customer technical department".
Okay, so this is an acceptable translation of the expression in the particular case in question.
BUT this doesn't mean that the word "prescripteur" is in itself _translated_ as customer, and it should not be entered as such in the Kudoz glossaries.
If it _is_ entered word-for-word as such, without any context or qualification, it is making nonsense of the Kudoz glossaries.
Okay, so this is an acceptable translation of the expression in the particular case in question.
BUT this doesn't mean that the word "prescripteur" is in itself _translated_ as customer, and it should not be entered as such in the Kudoz glossaries.
If it _is_ entered word-for-word as such, without any context or qualification, it is making nonsense of the Kudoz glossaries.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Bourth (X)
: But they are already nonsense. Cav(ana)eat emptor
11 hrs
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