German term
Eigenmittelausstattung in % der Bemessungsgrundlage
4 | Equity capitalisation as % of the basis of assessment | KirstyMacC (X) |
2 +1 | siehe unten | Christian |
Feb 9, 2007 21:05: Steffen Walter changed "Field (write-in)" from "Accounting" to "(none)"
Proposed translations
Equity capitalisation as % of the basis of assessment
BEWARE of Eurodicautom's trans. of capital 'contribution' for EMA. I believe it is wrong.
Eq. capitalis. = equity share capital, plus reserves etc.
'... As recently as 1986, however, the average ratio of *equity capitalisation* to GNP was 73% in the set of developed countries and 13% for the developing economies. ...'
siehe unten
- equity resources
- own resources
- assessment basis
- base value
Leider fehlt hier der Kontext. Daher nur einige Vorschläge, die man eventuell in Betracht ziehen könnte:
- equity capital (in percent) of the assessment basis
- resources (in percent) of the base value