Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

(professionally) qualifying

Added to glossary by casper (X)
Feb 19, 2007 16:44
17 yrs ago
German term


German to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
From a "Selbstdokumentation Master-Studiengang Architektur"

Das Architekturstudium an der Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur ZHW ist seit 2005 zweistufig. Der dreijährige **berufsbefähigende** Bachelorstudiengang bildet die Grundlage für den zweijährigen Masterstudiengang. Die ZHW ist die einzige Fachhochschule der Schweiz, die ein Masterprogramm in Architektur aus einer Hand anbietet. Sie hat dieses in den letzten Jahren konsequent aufgebaut. Das Studium umfasst Pflicht-, Wahlpflicht- und Wahlmodule. Ein- und Übertritte sind pro Semester möglich.
Change log

Feb 19, 2007 18:33: Steffen Walter changed "Term asked" from "berufsfähigend" to "berufsbefähigend" , "Field" from "Other" to "Social Sciences"

Proposed translations

11 mins
German term (edited): berufsfähigend

(professionally) qualifying

Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger : That's the translation offered by DAAD and many German sites, but "professionally qualifying degree" is also used at this Irish university:
1 hr
Thanks for confirming, Kim!
agree Heinen-Klebes
3 hrs
Thank you, AnjaHK!
neutral Lancashireman : Sorry, Chetan. Much as I dislike challenging another answer on a question where I am also a contributor (it usually antagonises the asker), could I ask how a ‘qualifying degree’ differs from a ‘non-qualifying degree’?//Perhaps AnjaHK can explain, then :-)
4 hrs
I join you in your very logical question, Andrew. Beyond a point, language is beyond logic, so let's enjoy it :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Great answer, thanks."
27 mins
German term (edited): berufsfähigend


"Pre-professional architecture degree" appears to be the (North American) term for a bachelors degree of 3-4 years study which does not lead to a BArch qualification. A BArch requires a longer period of study.
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6 mins

the best possible preparation for your future career

This three-year bachelor's degree course is the best possible preparation for your future career and...

Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-19 18:43:48 GMT)


In den Bachelor- und Master-Studiengängen ist neben der fundierten wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung die Vermittlung von praxisnäheren Studieninhalten, berufsfeldbezogenen Zusatzqualifikationen (z.B. BWL, EDV, Fremdsprachen) und von Schlüsselqualifikationen (z.B. Teamfähigkeit, Präsentationstechniken, kommunikative Kompetenz) von zentraler Bedeutung. Dadurch will man ***die Berufsbefähigung der Absolventen erhöhen und somit ihre Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt verbessern.***

i.e. this qualification will make you 'eminently employable'

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-02-19 18:46:53 GMT)


Note added at 2 hrs (2007-02-19 18:53:43 GMT)

With reference to Kim's reasearch above, apart from the Irish site, the somewhat clumsy phrase 'professionally qualifying degree' is to be found on translated German sites:
(Sorry, no other mechanism on KudoZ for replying to comments made to other answers)

Note added at 2 days9 hrs (2007-02-22 02:16:36 GMT)

Dear Leander,
I do hope that when you close this question you give us some detailed feedback on your choice. Should you decide to go for the current leader ('professionally qualifying') I trust you will tell us what noun you propose to tack onto this phrase and how you intend this to be understood.

Note added at 6 days (2007-02-26 02:00:04 GMT) Post-grading

Dear Leander,
I had hoped that when you closed this question you would give us some detailed feedback on your choice. Having decided to go for the overall leader ('professionally qualifying'), please tell us what noun you tacked onto this phrase and how you intended this to be understood.

Note added at 6 days (2007-02-26 02:02:14 GMT) Post-grading

Oh, and you might also like to consider the etiquette of singling one answer out as 'great' and ignoring the efforts made by others to help you with your translation.
Note from asker:
Dear Andrew, Thank you very much for your comments and queries. The final sentence reads as follows: "The three-year professionally qualifying Bachelor's Degree Programme forms the basis of the two-year Master's Degree Programme." I am also glad you raised the question of etiquette, as this has been worrying me for some time. I was under the impression that I could ony select one answerer, and this seemed to mean that I could not thank the others. I should greatly appreciate it if you would tell me how I can achieve this in future. Regards, Leander
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kim Metzger : How does a berufsbefähigende Studiengang differ from a another course of studies?
10 hrs
It is a 'career-enhancing' course, 'the best possible preparation for a future career' and it makes you 'eminently employable'. Very suitable for anyone who is keen on 'qualifying for a profession' (but not ‘professionally qualifying’).
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