Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

Balance Responsible

Added to glossary by Vesna Zivcic
May 16, 2001 01:32
23 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation
· Vertragliche Energiebezüge bzw. Energieabgaben aus einem bzw. an einen Bilanzkreis eines anderen Bilanzkreisverantwortlichen innerhalb der Regelzone

contained in a Bilanzkreisvertrag between a German transmission network operator and the Bilanzkreisverantwortliche

I have so far translated Bilanzkreisvertrag as area supply regulation contract but it seems too wordy. Electricity pooling contract may be better.
Proposed translations (English)
0 Balance agreement / Balance Responsible
0 accounts district manager
Change log

Jan 15, 2011 22:56: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Energy / Power Generation"

Proposed translations

7 hrs

Balance agreement / Balance Responsible

Please visit the links below. They may help you with your decision what to choose:

Es muss ein Sub-Bilanzkreisvertrag vorliegen oder der Börsenteilnehmer ist selbst Bilanzkreisverantwortlicher. Maßgeblich sind die Regelzonen, in denen auch LPX einen Bilanzkreis unterhält und in dem der Börsenteilnehmer Gebote platzieren will.

The trading participant has to conclude a Sub Balance Agreement or has to be a Balance Responsible himself. The TSO-areas where LPX runs Balance Areas and the areas the trading participant wants to place bids for are decisive.

Peer comment(s):

Ulrike Lieder (X)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
23 hrs

accounts district manager

Bilanz = balance, accounts (as a short form of annual financial statements), according to Zahn, Bank und Börsenwesen.
Kreis = district, sector
Your context speaks of energy (electricity) supplies, which are usually organized in service regions.

Peer comment(s):

Vesna Zivcic
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