Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Angemessenheits- und Geeignetheitsprüfung

English translation:

appropriateness and suitability test

Added to glossary by Leonard Morin
Aug 3, 2007 21:59
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term

Angemessenheits- und Geeignetheitsprüfung

German to English Law/Patents Finance (general)
"Anlagegesellschaft XXX nimmt weder eine Anlageberatung noch eine Angemessenheits- und Geeignetheitsprüfung i.S.d. Wertpapierhandelsgesetzes vor ("execution only")."

This could be a lot of different words. Any suggestions?


Dr. Fred Thomson Aug 3, 2007:
I would takt "appropriateness and suitability," unless the context indicates otherwise

Proposed translations

7 mins

appropriateness and suitability test

As you say: many possibilities

Note added at 10 mins (2007-08-03 22:09:09 GMT)

compatibility and adequacy
Note from asker:
That's funny. I translated it as suitability and appropriateness. So I was right, then? Or is is compatibility and adequacy? Thanks, Leonard
Peer comment(s):

agree Axel Seyler (X) : Right on the nose, seems to me.
1 hr
Thank you, Axel
agree gangels (X) : but 'check' rather than 'test'. They 'check' that the investment is within his means and goals.
16 hrs
Thanks, Klaus. Check sounds better.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, everyone! Leonard"
3 hrs

adequacy and suitability test

I would prefer "adequacy" for Angemessnheit
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5 hrs

suitability and aptitude test

"Geeignetheitsprüfung" is used in the sense of "Eignungsprüfung", IMO

Commenting on plans to introduce a ***suitability and aptitude test*** for medicine, the IMO said that the existing points-based entry system was safe from interference and any form of canvassing.
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