Dec 2, 2004 15:41
20 yrs ago
8 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Notes for a year-end financial report. Full sentence: Um die Vergleichbarkeit des Zahlenwerkes mit dem Vorjahr zu gewährleisten, wurden auch die Vorjahreswerte neu nach IAS/IFRS aufgestellt. Der sogenannte Werterhellungshorizont wurde auf die Periode vom 29. Februar 2000 bis zum 28. Februar 2003 festgesetzt.


Kieran McCann Apr 28, 2005:
Thanks, but I think you'll find Robin's way round is the right one...

Proposed translations

47 mins

period (for commenting on) post balance sheet events

'Werterhellung' refers to clarification of items in the accounts in the light of subsequent events: 'non-adjusting post balance sheet events' in the jargon. The 'Horizont' is presumably the timeframe for this process ie previous years' figures have been restated according to IAS and any significant subsequent events relevant to an understanding of the accounts for the period 29.2.2000 to 28.2.2003 have also been mentioned. But I don't know if there is a snappier way of expressing this.

Note added at 2 hrs 56 mins (2004-12-02 18:38:26 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- BH II/Folien_B...
Peer comment(s):

disagree RobinB : I'm really, really sorry about this - you almost got it right, but these are actually adjusting events, rather than non-adjusting events.
1 hr
Robin: please don't apologise, it's vital to get these things right . As it happens I had all the right info (see link above) but mentally transposed '-erhellung' and '-beeinflussung': the latter sounds more like the one which would involve making changes
disagree Ted Wozniak : See below
5491 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 hrs

period for recognising adjusting events

Werterhellung is evidently a synonym for the more common Wertaufhellung.

See: Ballwieser, Coenenberg, Wysocki (eds.); Handwörterbuch der Rechnungslegung und der Prüfung, 3. Auflage; Schäffer-Poeschel 2002

Entry on "Stichtagsprinzip", p. 2307: "b) Wertaufhellung
... Die "Wertaufhellung" (auch "Werterhellung") ...

Wertaufhellung/Werterhellung is the standard GoB term for what are known in IASs/IFRSs as "adjusting events" after the balance sheet date (see IAS 10.8 ff.). Such events are recognised in the financial statements of the period, as opposed to "non-adjusting events" (German: Wertbegründung/Wertbeeinflussung), which are disclosed but not recognised.

Note added at 3 hrs 7 mins (2004-12-02 18:48:56 GMT)

Kieran\'s right in that these are entirely unintuitive terms that basically have no meaning unless it\'s been explained to you. That\'s also why we use \"berücksichtigungspflichtige Ereignisse\" and \"nicht zu berücksichtigende Ereigniss\" in IASs - it really is presumptious to expect even educated investors to know the difference between wertaufhellend/werterhellend and wertbegründend/wertbeeinflussend).

My feeling is that Werterhellung is a pretty rare synonym for Wertaufhellung, and may well be more common in, perhaps, Austria than in Germany.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ted Wozniak : On all counts and in particular about Werterhellend being Austrian
5491 days
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