Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by BrigitteHilgner
Nov 9, 2006 18:31
18 yrs ago
German term


German to English Social Sciences History
Stolpe, so erfahren wir, hatte damals acht Hufenhöfe und 19 Kossäten, insgesamt 55 Hufe; 16 gehören den Hoppenrades, 4 der Pfarre, eine der Kirche

Zum Unterhalt des Priesters gaben die Markgrafen 4 Hufen Land.

Um was für ein Maß handelt es sich hier und wie lautet denn die Einzahl dieses Wortes (Huf / Hufe?)
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 hide
3 +1 Plot of land (7-15 hectares)


Christine Lam (asker) Nov 9, 2006:
good solution, Hamo
Roddy Stegemann Nov 9, 2006:
So, what is your problem? Die Markgrafen (subject) gaben (verb) vier Hufen Land (direct object) zum Unterhalt des Priesters (prepositional phrase telling for what purpose). Vier Hufen Land is enough land for four households.
Christine Lam (asker) Nov 9, 2006:
thanks, Kevin, the only trouble now is to factor in the "4" bit

Proposed translations

13 hrs


This is the corresponding word used in English history. Depending on the region, a hide was anything between 60 to 120 acres.
The corresponding word in Scottish history ins "ploughgate".
(History is my hobby.)
Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch confirms "hide".
Peer comment(s):

agree Jonathan MacKerron : "hide or yard of land" according to Muret-Sanders 1905 version
13 mins
Thank you, Jonathan. Great to have access to a 1905 version of whatever book! :-)
agree Rebecca Garber
1 day 11 hrs
Thank you very much, Rebecca. Have a nice Sunday!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "herzlichen Dank!"
8 mins

Plot of land (7-15 hectares)

According to Duden -- die Hufe: eingezäumtes Land im Mittelalter an den Bedürfnissen einer durchschnittlichen bäuerlichen Familie gemessene Menge Land (altes, 7 bis 15 Hektar umfassendes Feldmaß)
Peer comment(s):

agree Roddy Stegemann : Translating Duden: a one-household plot
1 hr
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