Oct 29, 2003 20:55
21 yrs ago
5 viewers *
German term

Unter Ausschluss des Fortsetzungszusammenhangs

German to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) distribution contracts
This is from a noncompetition agreement:

Mit jeder einzelnen Zuwiderhandlung wird eine Konventionalstrafe von Euro 2.500 unter Auschluss des Fortsetzungszusammenhangs faellig.
Change log

Apr 8, 2010 09:54: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Law: Contract(s)"

Proposed translations

3 hrs

without regard for the continuing nature thereof

This is common. Each breach is separately actionable. Basically, they're trying to encourage a cure of a breach once committed on pain of otherwise racking up a daily penance. As you know, penalty clauses are anathema in some jurisdictions, and would be styled instead as liquidated damages clauses, but that's up to you to decide based on your destination.

Note added at 3 hrs 40 mins (2003-10-30 00:35:33 GMT)

This may illustrate it from the other way around:

Any forbearance or indulgence by NPG in enforcing any provision in these Terms and Conditions shall not affect NPG\'s right of enforcement and any waiver of any breach shall not operate as a waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
46 mins

An attempt

This is based on an Internet discussion between two British lawyers.

Each individual violation (breach) shall result in a penalty for breach of contract in the amount of Euro 2,500 to the exclusion of a nexus of continuing breaches

Verstößt Partner gegen eine Verpflichtung aus Ziffer II., hat er für jeden
Fall der Zuwiderhandlung und unter Ausschluss der Einrede des
Fortsetzungszusammenhangs eine Vertragsstrafe in Höhe von 25.000,- Euro zu
'the party is barred ('estopped') from entering the defence of a nexus of continuing breaches as a mitigating factor'.

Peer comment(s):

agree desiderata (X) : I think this is the idea. In criminal law there is a fortgesetztes Delikt that would only constitute one crime; contract says here to ignore the similarity or proximity of the violations.
5 mins
agree Margaret Marks : Or: of all 7 e.g.s in the glossaries, Astrid Johnson's I like best: "For each individual violation of this undertaking (or "of....(whatever you wish)"), a penalty of DM ......... will be payable."
1 hr
neutral Maureen Holm, J.D., LL.M. : 'nexus' is a tricky term not entirely at home here and 'to the exclusion' is misplaced
2 hrs
agree Narasimhan Raghavan
11 hrs
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