Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Voraussetzungen einer Unverfallbarkeit

English translation:

vesting requirements

Added to glossary by Rowan Morrell
Aug 7, 2004 05:07
20 yrs ago
5 viewers *
German term

Voraussetzungen einer Unverfallbarkeit

German to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Employment Contract Termination
"Eine Anwartschaft auf Leistungen aus der betrieblichen Altersversorgung ist hiervon im Falle des Vorliegens der ***Voraussetzungen einer Unverfallbarkeit*** nach dem "Gesetz zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung" nicht betroffen."

From an agreement relating to termination of an employment contract. At the moment, I have "requirements for non-forfeiture" for "Voraussetzungen einer Unverfallbarkeit", but am not very sure about it. TIA for your confirmation or correction.


Ingrid Blank Aug 7, 2004:
see new suggestion :) Aug 7, 2004:
Isn't there anything better ... ... than "non-forfeitability"? It's an awfully clunky-sounding word.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

Maybe this helps

In (terminology Council European Union)

"Bedingungen für die Unverfallbarkeit" (social context) is translated as "vesting requirements"

see "Vesting Requirements for Members of the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska"
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hirselina was the first to mention "vesting requirements" before others suggested it (or something similar) in added notes, so it's the points to her. But thank you very much Ingrid, David and Fred for your impressive references. I've said "if there are vesting requirements", because Vorliegen implies that they exist, not that they have been met, from my reading of the text. As I see it, they may or may not have been met, but they do exist. So well done Hirselina, and thanks and commiserations to Ingrid, David and Fred for well-explained and well-referenced answers that also helped a lot. To RNolder: "Another idea" with no further attempt to explain your suggestion didn't cut it (those types of answers don't with me), but thanks anyway for your contribution."
18 mins

provisions of a non-forfeiture

Another idea.
Peer comment(s):

agree gangels (X)
11 hrs
Thanks Klaus
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22 mins

prerequisites for non-forfeitability

if the prerequisites for non-forfeitability are given.....

Note added at 2004-08-07 11:02:15 (GMT)

Since we are talking about Altersversorgung - what about

Preconditions to vesting - it\'s definitely shorter than non-forfeitability :)

Dietl/Lorenz gives vesting for Unverfallbarkeit (eines Pensionsanspruchs)

see also here:
... to the other benefits received from employment is diminished further by the fact
that where a plan has substantial *preconditions to vesting*, the principal ... - 76k

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5 hrs

(if the) conditions for non-forfeitability (are met)

This might well fit.

Note added at 5 hrs 50 mins (2004-08-07 10:58:00 GMT)

Well, Rowan, here\'s the entry in Schäfer, WirtschaftsWB:
(Re[cht]) non-forfeitability
- unforfeitability
- vesting.
And the entries for the opposite:

verfallbar (Vers[icherung]) forfeitable (e.g. pension right)
Verfallbarkeit f. (Vers) forfeitability
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7 hrs

if vesting requirements have been met

Or: providing vesting requirements have been met
You really don't need to include pre-conditions or pre-requisites.
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