Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

von der Geschäftskontrolle abgeschrieben

English translation:

removed from the court docket

Added to glossary by Dr. Fred Thomson
Aug 17, 2004 01:09
20 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term

von der Geschäftskontrolle abgeschrieben

German to English Law/Patents Law (general) Swiss legalese
As in:
"Das Verfahren wird von der Geschäftskontrolle abgeschrieben."

Well, I'm back with the same question! I've done some research myself and it seems like it maybe closer to "case closed" than to "written off the books"! Just try "Geschäftskontrolle abgeschrieben" in Google and you'll see!
Anybody familiar with Swiss legalese???!!!

Discussion Aug 17, 2004:
or.. maybe not... I'm all torn See another example, the context is very similar:
Das in der Folge vom Kl�ger angestrengte Gerichtsverfahren betreffend Forderung aus Arbeitsrecht in der H�he von Fr. 39�670.-- (Abgangsentsch�digung Fr. 11'360.--, Dienstaltersgeschenk Fr. 8'939.--, Lohnnachzahlung f�r 1995/96 Fr. 3'408.-- sowie Entsch�digung f�r missbr�uchliche K�ndigung Fr. 15'963.--, Urk. 9/8) endete mit einem aussergerichtlichen Vergleich und der Zahlung der Summe von Fr. 5'000.-- per Saldo aller Anspr�che (Urk. 9/12). Das Zivilverfahren wurde deshalb infolge Klager�ckzugs von der Gesch�ftskontrolle abgeschrieben (Urk. 9/13).

Maybe it is more like "written off the books"?

Proposed translations

11 mins
German term (edited): von der Gesch�ftskontrolle abgeschrieben

removed from the court docket

The court keeps a docket of cases that will come before it. If a case is settled or the complaint withdraw, the case is removed from the docket.

Note added at 12 mins (2004-08-17 01:21:53 GMT)

In a sense, then, the purpose of the docket is to control the business of the court. Thus, \"Geschaeftskontrolle.\"

Note added at 15 mins (2004-08-17 01:25:12 GMT)

According to my big, huge, and heavy Webdter\'s dico a docket is a list of cases to be tried by a court.

Note added at 1 hr 52 mins (2004-08-17 03:02:08 GMT)

In effect the matter is \"written off the books,\" but this is not the expression used by lawyers or the courts. The term of art is \"removed from the court docket (or: the docket of the court).\"
Peer comment(s):

agree Margaret Marks : I agree on the expression. I don't know where the idea of "written off the books" came from - I certainly didn't mean to suggest it as a translation
11 hrs
Thanks for the agree. I have seriously thinking of taking a trip to Switzerland to get some direct answers to Swiss law questions.
agree KirstyMacC (X) : looks good for Yulia in the US ->perhaps: 'case struck out/off the court record/ in the UK.
11 hrs
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4 hrs


according to the examples below Geschäftskontrolle (Eingang und Ausgang) seems to be court records, I would therefore think that "wurde von der Geschäftskontrolle abgeschrieben" could mean was removed from the court records, same applies to the example given by you - because they settled out of court civil action was therefore removed from the court records

In Bern erfolgt nur die Geschäftskontrolle (Eingang und Erledigung) mittels EDV; sie dient ausschliesslich statistischen Zwecken. Freiburg führt die Fallregistrierung elektronisch, den Rest der Aktenanlage und -verwaltung jedoch nicht.

However, Fred's suggestion could also be right and another option might be that Geschäftskontrolle is simply management and again citing your example - because the matter was settled out of court management withdrew the civil action

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