Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
Oct 20, 2000 23:06
24 yrs ago
German term
German to English
Hi! I've just started translating a legal text and would appreciate your help on these terms. Thank you.
für einen Schaden allein aufgrund des Verschuldens eines Erfüllungsgehilfen verantwortlich ist.
für einen Schaden allein aufgrund des Verschuldens eines Erfüllungsgehilfen verantwortlich ist.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
3 hrs
II. Erfüllung von Verpflichtungen durch Dritte
Gesetzliche Vertreter sind insbesondere ...........
Bedeutender ist die Haftung für Pflichtverletzungen von Erfüllungsgehilfen. Das sind Personen, die von dem Schuldner als seine Hilfspersonen bei der Erfüllung seiner Verbindlichkeiten eingesetzt werden. Dabei muß zwischen Schuldner und Gehilfen kein Vertragsverhältnis oder Abhängigkeitsverhältnis bestehen; Erfüllungsgehilfe ist also auch jemand, der lediglich aus Gefälligkeit hilft.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "I used your suggestions "fulfillment assistant" the proof reader preferred "assistant""
2 hrs
person employed in performing an obligation
- assistant
- vicarious agent
§ 278 BGB
- vicarious agent
§ 278 BGB
2 hrs
assistant/helper/accomplice in fulfilling/executing the......
depending on context
5 hrs
damage/loss occurrence - person employed - performance - at fault
... for a damage/loss occurrence for which a
servant (Hamblock/Wessels) /
assistant (Hamblock/Wessels) /
vicarious agent (this is a legal term from Eichborn, not what you are thinking) /
person employed in performing an obligation for whom the principal is vicariously liable (Romain)
is solely / totally / completely / entirely responsible / at fault ...
The above is a bit confusing, I would probably choose:
... for a damage/loss occurrence for which a person employed in the performance of an obligation is solely at fault ...
Dictionaries by Hamblock/Wessels – Zahn – Romain - Eichborn
- HTH - Dan
servant (Hamblock/Wessels) /
assistant (Hamblock/Wessels) /
vicarious agent (this is a legal term from Eichborn, not what you are thinking) /
person employed in performing an obligation for whom the principal is vicariously liable (Romain)
is solely / totally / completely / entirely responsible / at fault ...
The above is a bit confusing, I would probably choose:
... for a damage/loss occurrence for which a person employed in the performance of an obligation is solely at fault ...
Dictionaries by Hamblock/Wessels – Zahn – Romain - Eichborn
- HTH - Dan
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