Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

50 Watt, Steigerung um 25 Watt, 2 Minuten Belastung je Belastungsstufe

Added to glossary by Dr.G.MD (X)
Nov 20, 2006 18:03
18 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical: Cardiology
Ergometrie: Untersuchung gemäß 50-25-2 durchgeführt. Dauer: 11:53. Dabei wurde ein Belastungsniveau von max. Ist-Leist: 75 W erreicht.

Weiß jeman was damit gemeint ist?


Steffen Walter Nov 21, 2006:
Wenn Gerhards Annahme korrekt ist, muss die maximale Ist-Leistung aber rechnerisch nicht bei 75, sondern bei 175 W liegen.
Christine Lam (asker) Nov 20, 2006:
Kim, I was planning to use "ergometry", but I like your reference about the graded exercise test. I will certainly include this in my explanation.
Kim Metzger Nov 20, 2006:
Are you translating Ergometrie as cardiac imaging?
Christine Lam (asker) Nov 20, 2006:
Danke. Würde dies denn als 50-25-2 von einer englisch-sprechenden Leserschaft auch verstanden oder muss es umschrieben werden?

Proposed translations

15 mins

50 Watt, Steigerung um 25 Watt, 2 Minuten Belastung je Belastungsstufe

ist gemeint, Christine.

Note added at 27 mins (2006-11-20 18:31:36 GMT)

Christine, ich würde das sicherheitshalber umschreiben

Note added at 4 hrs (2006-11-20 22:54:45 GMT)

Thank you, Kim and Christine for your input. This is the translation I propose:

Gradede exercise test staring with 50 Watt load, increase by 25 Watts in 2 minute increments, maximal load 175 Watts after 11:53 minutes.

Ich vermute, dass die Belastung bei 175 Watt abgebrochen wurde, denn 1. ist eine 75 Watt Belastungsstufe sehr minumal, und der Belastungstest ging über nahezu 12 Minuten. Das stimmt rechnerisch mit 25 Watt Steigerungen über je 2 Minuten überein und entspricht der errechneten erreichten Belastungsstufe nach fast 12 Minuten.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger : Can you use any of the info below for a translation into English, Gerhard? / Added: workload?
1 hr
Thank you, Kim
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Vielen Dank fuer das "Teamwork""
1 hr

Background info - not for points

I know nothing at all about this subject, but I love to do online research. Maybe Gerhard can use some of this info for a translation into English.

Subjects performed two tests on a cycle ergometer: 1) graded exercise test (GXT) and 2) performance exercise test (PXT) to volitional fatigue
Each subject performed a graded exercise stress test (GXT) to volitional fatigue using their own bicycle mounted on a magnetic resistance cycle ergometer. This test determined each subject’s peak aerobic capacity, physiological thresholds and time to exhaustion (TE). During the GXT, the pedal frequency (rev/min) was chosen by the subject as the most comfortable and efficient for each workload. For males, the GXT began at 50 Watts and increased 50 Watts every two minutes until volitional fatigue. Females commenced the GXT at 50 Watts, with increases of 50 Watts every two minutes until the stage beyond 150 Watts. Thereafter, each additional stage increased 30 Watts every two minutes until volitional fatigue. These GXT protocols approximated a 25 Watts/min increase for males and 15 Watts/min increase for females. After reaching exhaustion, the cadence was reduced to a self-selected value and the workload was decreased below 100 Watts to facilitate active recovery. During the test, whole body oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were quantified using breath-by-breath indirect calorimetry utilizing a ParVo MedicsTM system. Heart rate was measured beat-by-beat utilizing a portable electronic telemetry system (PolarTM), with beat-to-beat data expressed as beats/min for all analyses.
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