Jun 3, 2011 22:30
13 yrs ago
12 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical: Cardiology
Patient with chest pain.

"In der seriellen Troponin T und CK-Kontrollen sowie EKG-Kontrollen war keine Dynamik sichtbar."

Once and for all, I want to find out how to translate this best in EN. Of course, I can simply say "no dynamics", but it sounds a bit translated to me. Any better ideas?

Thanks a lot!

Proposed translations

2 hrs


the question is whether these results have changed in a significant pattern. Dynamic would not sound quite right in English, but evolution suggests that there has been no change that is characteristic.
Peer comment(s):

agree Anne Schulz : or even "significant evolution"
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Paul :)"
20 mins

abnormal variations

just an idea ...

Note added at 22 mins (2011-06-03 22:52:29 GMT)

i.e. nothing out of the ordinary

Note added at 23 mins (2011-06-03 22:53:54 GMT)

or: no abnormal findings

All of the patients described exertional chest pain that was consistent ... including ECG and echocardiography, revealed no abnormal findings. ..... Dynamic coronary tone in precipitation, exacerbation and relief of angina pectoris. ...

Note added at 24 mins (2011-06-03 22:54:48 GMT)

I would wait for the docs to come in on this one ...
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5 hrs

...did not suggest any myocardial injury

serial cardiac enzymes (which are the troponins and CK-MBs, mostly done stat and 3 more times after several hours) and serial ECGs will show if there is evidence of myocardial ischemia or injury. These changes would be the dynamic part. If there is no increase in the enzymes and no development of abnormal EKG patterns then it is good news.
Example sentence:

Twenty-seven patients (27 of 97, 28%) had troponin I levels higher than 3.9 µg/L 24 hours after CABG, thereby suggesting the presence of marked myocardial damage.

A high LDH-1 level to LDH-2 suggest MI

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