Apr 13, 2005 09:16
19 yrs ago
4 viewers *
German term

geschlängelter Verlauf

German to English Medical Medical: Cardiology
Die LAD zeigt im mittleren Abschnitt einen geschlängelten Verlauf.
This is part of a coronary angiography report.
I can't seem to think of a good way to phrase this: The middle segment of the LAD (left anterior descending artery)is ...in its course.
Thanks for your help.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 winding course


MMUlr Apr 13, 2005:
I see what you mean; so it's a sort of "English use" of the word artery, although it is anatomically a branch of the LCA: identical to RIVA, RAMUS interventricularis ant.
Non-ProZ.com Apr 13, 2005:
The LAD is commonly know as: left anterior descending coronary artery which branches off the left coronary artery. So Accoring to my research, the LAD is commonly know as left anterior descending coronary artery which branches off the left coronary artery.
MMUlr Apr 13, 2005:
... or mid portion of the LAD - which is a branch of the left coronary artery, not an artery

Proposed translations

2 mins
German term (edited): geschI�ngelter Verlauf

winding course

The vertebral artery as it originates from the subclavian artery and travels
a winding course where it enters the foramen magnum and joins with the ...
www.pec-online.com/pt/re/pec/ fulltext.00006565-200006000-00014.htm

Note added at 5 mins (2005-04-13 09:21:36 GMT)

The LM and the full length of the LAD may also be visualized in apical 3-chamber view, although the motion artifacts, proximity of the lung and winding of the LAD along its way down to the apex make examination difficult.
www.cardiovascularultrasound.com/content/1/1/16 - 140k
Peer comment(s):

agree MMUlr
11 mins
agree Dr.G.MD (X)
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Niamh. I liked the sources, too."
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