Jul 22, 2012 21:47
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general)
"Lebendimpfstoffe bestehen aus lebenden Erregern. Diese Impferreger werden über unterschiedliche Methoden abgeschwächt (attenuiert), so dass sie nicht krank machen. Ansonsten verhält sich der Impferreger aber genau wie der Felderreger. Das Immunsystem kann auf diese Weise die Abwehr in allen Phasen der Infektion trainieren."

Proposed translations

58 mins

wild-type pathogen

Verification should be by restriction analysis or another method that has been proven to rigorously distinguish the wild-type and attenuated pathogens

...people developed immunity by natural infection with wild-type circulating pathogens.
Live attenuated vaccines often are developed from the wild-type pathogen after selecting for less virulent strains that are able to infect the host ...
Peer comment(s):

agree uyuni : or *wild-type pathogen*ic strain*" http://tinyurl.com/c9a3szh http://tinyurl.com/cmxek8l
18 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 hrs

field strain

As opposed to vaccine strain, that is.
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11 hrs

natural organism

just to increase your choice ;-)
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