Jun 3, 2003 10:53
21 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical
Extension des Gelenkes durch Zug mit einem am Operationstisch befestigten "Madchenfanger"


verbis Jun 3, 2003:
are u sure there is no typo?

Proposed translations

29 mins

wine waiter's position

That's what I found in the bilingual document referenced below. Not too sure about this though. Will do a bit more research on it.

Note added at 2003-06-03 11:27:06 (GMT)

Unfortunately, that text seems to be the only one mentioning any sort of \"wine waiter\'s position\". On the other hand, it\'s about the only source that offers a translation, however dubious.

Note added at 2003-06-03 11:44:08 (GMT)

Have a look at this site:


It appears that the \"Mädchenfänger\" may be a kind of bandage - perhaps a splint of some sort?

Note added at 2003-06-03 11:48:19 (GMT)

Another site here:

has what I am pretty sure is a picture of the mysterious \"Mädchenfänger\". Seems to be something that\'s attached to the fingers, maybe.
Something went wrong...
1 hr

extension sleeve (or) bush

See: optiGATE / Artikelinformation (MÄDCHENFÄNGER) - [ Translate this page ]
Stand: 31.07.2002. MÄDCHENFÄNGER Extensionshülsen, Zu diesem Artikel liegt keine
zusätzliche Textinformation vor! Dr. Paul Koch GmbH (D-72636 Frickenhausen). ...
www.optadata.de/markt/artstm/art01714.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Most probably a brand name for the item.
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1 hr

Weinberg finger traction apparatus

I think this is what they mean. Can't find a picture of it on Google though.
Peer comment(s):

agree Rowan Morrell : Have a look here - That might be it. "Finger traction apparatus" sounds very promising.
16 hrs
that's what it is! but now a pic with the Weinberg name next to it, to be sure! Thanks, Rowan
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