Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Grüß Gott, Liebchen!

English translation:

Hello, darling!

Added to glossary by Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Jul 30, 2004 03:38
20 yrs ago
23 viewers *
German term

Gruss Got libchen

Non-PRO German to English Other Other
Gruss Got libchen

Auch du lieber himmel,
Proposed translations (English)
3 +5 Ach, du liebe Zeit!

Proposed translations

22 mins

Ach, du liebe Zeit!

Gruess Gott liebchen. = Hello, darling.
Ach, du lieber Himmel! = Oh, my goodness!

Note added at 16 hrs 57 mins (2004-07-30 20:35:45 GMT)

Gruess Gott, Liebchen. = Hello, darling.

Note added at 16 hrs 58 mins (2004-07-30 20:36:32 GMT)

Grüß Gott, Liebchen. = Hello, darling.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kathinka van de Griendt : or "dear heavens!" and "L"iebchen in caps
1 hr
Thanks for the correction, Kathinka.
agree Thomas Bollmann
1 hr
Thanks, Thomas.
agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : correct spelling is: Grüß Gott, Liebchen. (I never use it)
2 hrs
Stimmt. Grüß Dich zuerest und dann Gott. Das Liebchen können wir lassen.
agree Mirelluk
3 hrs
Thanks, Mirelluk.
agree silcastro
5 hrs
Thanks, Silcastro.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
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