May 4, 2008 07:20
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Social Sciences Tourism & Travel
Bei Veranstaltungen die über 24.00 Uhr hinausgehen, wird ein Freinachts-/Nachtzuschlag gemäss der jeweiligen kantonalen Gesetzgebung berechnet.

This is from the general terms and conditions of a hotel offering conference facilities.

In Wikipedia, I found the explanation "In der Schweiz wird unter "Freinacht" eine Nacht mit amtlich verlängerter oder unbeschränkter gastgewerblicher Bewirtung in Restaurants oder an Festwirtschaften verstanden."

Any ideas how I could translate this?


Jonathan MacKerron May 4, 2008:
Duden for "Freinacht": Nacht ohne Polizeistunde; ausnahmsweise durchgehender Betrieb in einem Restaurant.

Proposed translations

30 mins

prolonged (extended?) night working hours

my guess for starters
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Harris : Great guess, extended night working hours is what the hotels usually charge when the event (here in Germany) goes on after 1am until whenever the event finishes - could be 7 am in the morning.
34 mins
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : that makes sense here
8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, this is just what I was looking for."
1 hr

extended licence; bar extension

As a teenager, I used to organise dances for a club, and we used to have to apply for "licence extensions" to the local magistrates to allow alcohol to be served after 10.30 pm. This is clearly exactly the same principle, and the expression "Freinacht" does seem to be limited to CH. This appears to be a longer extension (until 5 am, perhaps), while a shorter extension also exists (until 2 am), but each conflicts with the "Nachtruhe" laws and are pretty strictly controlled.

Maybe one of the expressions above would be suitable.

Note added at 1 hr (2008-05-04 08:26:34 GMT)

each *IS* pretty strictly.... (or "both are"...).
Peer comment(s):

agree Armorel Young : yes, precisely - we also knew them as "late licences"
11 hrs
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11 hrs

free night

that means that there is no programed activities at this night and it kept free for optional activities
Peer comment(s):

disagree Armorel Young : that's not what it means here at all, as the asker has already explained in the question
1 hr
disagree Woodstock (X) : I think if the answer were so obvious, a professional translator would not need to have posted this as a question
11 hrs
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