Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
shearing points / shear points
German term
017 Scherstelle Lagenschieber belegt
017 Scherstelle Lagenschieber belegt
018 Scherstelle Stapler belegt
018 Scherstelle Stapler belegt
019 Scherstelle Elevator belegt
019 Scherstelle Elevator belegt
020 Motorschutz hat ausgelöst
020 Motorschutz hat ausgelöst
021 Zugangsanforderung Palettierer nicht quittiert
4 | shearing points / shear points | J. Pieter Mielekamp |
May 16, 2011 10:12: J. Pieter Mielekamp Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
shearing points / shear points
Alle dienen sie einem Ziel: Absicherung von Quetsch- und Scherstellen bei automatischen Türen, Toren und Schranken.
They all serve the same objective: Protecting crushing and shearing points on automatic doors, gates and barriers.
Safety Edges: For wherever protection is required against pinch and shear points, whether on safety gates, lift tables.
There should be no accessible pinch, crush, or shearing points on playground equipment that could injure a child or catch their clothing.
Additional edges may be required to protect at the motor case or other shearing points depending on the design of the gate.
...the pin of a diameter so as to have a shearing strength equal to one-half this force, if the axle spindle is midway between the two shearing points.
Safety contact edges are employed to guard closing edges at possible crushing or shearing points. They are used in electric gates, machines and handling facilities to protect people and equipment
Continuous mechanical handling equipment -- Safety code for screw conveyors -- Examples of guards for trapping and shearing points
for instance.