Nov 17, 2008 20:30
15 yrs ago
4 viewers *
German term

Einsicht ohne Aussicht

German to English Social Sciences Government / Politics
Nun hagelt es Proteste gegen die nationalstolze Parteiführung von linken Reformgegnern und orthodoxen Kommunisten wegen „Deutschtümelei“. Rückendeckung erhält Zimmer vom neuen Fraktionschef im Bundestag, Roland Claus: „Es gibt in dieser Debatte nichts, was Gabi Zimmer vorzuwerfen wäre.“

***Einsicht ohne Aussicht*** auf konkrete Vorschläge: Die SPD verbeißt sich in den „Leitkultur“-Begriff von Merz. Dabei sind sich die Genossen mit Sachsen-Anhalts Ministerpräsident Reinhard Höppner einig, dass sich „Ausländer, die hier leben wollen, an das Grundgesetz halten und die Sprache erlernen müssen. Jeder Hinweis darauf ist geradezu peinlich.“
Change log

Nov 17, 2008 20:37: Steffen Walter changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (1): Jonathan MacKerron

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Steffen Walter Nov 17, 2008:
Einsicht ohne Aussicht auf konkrete Vorschläge The complete phrase is "Einsicht ohne Aussicht auf konkrete Vorschläge". "Einsicht ohne Aussicht" as such wouldn't mean much here.
Jonathan MacKerron Nov 17, 2008:
I think the idea is they had to admit that they had made a mistake, but were still unable to make concrete (alternative?) proposals

Proposed translations

14 mins

insight without perspectives of ......(without outlook)

im Dtschen gibt´s leider kein ähnliches Wortspiel ; evtl. könnte man < outlook > verwenden; gefällt mir jedoch weniger als perspectives.
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : meaning what?
2 days 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Danke schoen!"
39 mins

Getting there - but not there yet

Peer comment(s):

agree mill2 : fits the tone very well
2 hrs
thanks! I'm thinking that the insertion of "quite", as in: ...not quite there yet" may sound better
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2 hrs

understanding without taking a stand

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7 hrs

An insight into the present, (yet) with no view for the future.

Just my take on it...
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9 hrs
German term (edited): Einsicht ohne Aussicht auf konkrete Vorschläge

A vision without (suggestions for) concrete action

...wäre (m)ein konkreter Vorschlag ;-)
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21 mins

They had understood their dileman but had no concrete proposals of their own:

a bit windy I admit

Note added at 21 mins (2008-11-17 20:51:26 GMT)


Note added at 23 mins (2008-11-17 20:53:12 GMT)

they knew they were on the wrong path but could offer no concrete proposals of their own

Note added at 36 mins (2008-11-17 21:06:18 GMT)

they finally came to their senses, but were still unable...

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-11-18 08:27:17 GMT)

close but no cigar
Peer comment(s):

neutral Armorel Young : How DO you spell dilemma?
25 mins
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14 hrs

They don't like the policy but they recognise the problem and haven't got a better idea

Rather loose but I'm just trying to expand the phrase to get at the essential meaning as I understand it before trying to get it into snappier English.

The text is complex and we really need more background but this doesn't seem to be about insight into/understanding their own problem: this is the rank and file members of the left objecting generally to the 'Leitkultur' concept of their political opponents ie Merz which their (the left's) leadership has adopted, but at the same time recognising/admitting (Einsicht) that there is a real problem in how to assimilate immigrants into society, that the 'Leitkultur' approach at least offers some kind of response to it and that they haven't got a better idea.
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14 hrs

As much as the problem was understood, there was no hope of a real solution

a little long-winded, maybe. But "hope" can be used for "Aussicht", I'd think...
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16 hrs

Although the Social Democrats recognize that there is a concrete problem, ...

...they offer absolutely nothing that would lead to a concrete solution: the SPD merely appears obsessed with the term "Leitkultur" as defined by Merz.

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19 hrs

fruitless findings which would not lead to any concrete proposals

fruitless findings which would not lead to any concrete proposals

Note added at 19 hrs (2008-11-18 16:06:29 GMT)


[12 Oct 1998] GA/9478 : CLOSING DISCUSSION OF CAUSES OF CONFLICTS ... - A discussion of the African problem would be fruitless, however, ..... Concrete proposals had been submitted for the resolution of the conflict, ... - 37k -
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