This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Jan 24, 2010 22:55
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Indonesian term


Wiyanto Suroso Jan 29, 2010:
Closing a question without any reason I have the same opinion as Cathy's.
Catherine Muir Jan 29, 2010:
no points awarded I will bypass future queries from this Asker. With so many of us taking time to try to help, it seems reasonable to have expected some feedback (and points).

Proposed translations

22 mins

A good citizen is a good taxpayer.

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2 hrs

Wise person pays tax

Dalam bahasa Indonesia dirancang untuk rhyming (bijak - pajak)
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2 hrs

prudent people honor their tax obligation

Makna bijak adalah berpengetahuan:

bi·jak a 1 selalu menggunakan akal budinya; pandai; mahir:

Ini mirip dengan prudent, yang kira2 bertindak setelah berpikir:

prudent (adjective) acting with or showing care and thought for the future

Makna taat pajak adalah menghormati kewajiban membayar pajak, dengan kata lain, honor tax [obligation].

Example sentence:

Deputy Upper East Regional Minister has advised Ghanaians to honour their tax obligation to enable the government ...

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4 hrs

wise people pay taxes wisely

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6 hrs

It's a wise man who pays his taxes.

This is a slogan, appearing on the official website of Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. It is reportedly a successful initiative of the Taxation Directorate, introduced in the 1980's. (It's also a joke, as indicated in the second example sentence below.) The tax people are flattering those who pay their taxes by calling them 'orang bijak' because there's a big problem of tax avoidance and non-payment of taxes.
Example sentence:

Slogan atau motto “Orang Bijak Taat Pajak” yang membahana pada akhir dasawarsa 80-an adalah contoh sukses Direktorat Jenderal Pajak menggenjot penerimaan negara dari pajak.

... apa tuh slogannya kantor pajak? Orang bijak taat pajak? Kalau gw sih punya slogan sendiri seperti ini: Orang Bijak Taat Pajak, [tapi] Orang Cerdik Tidak Punya NPWP, [dan] Orang Beruntung Tidak Tertangkap Walaupun Tidak Punya NPWP ;-)

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8 hrs

Wise people pay the taxes they're required to pay

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3 days 10 hrs

good citizens pay taxes

agak bebas terjemahan ini, lebih mencerminkan usaha mendapatkan slogan sepadan dalam bahasa Inggris
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