This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Feb 19, 2010 10:36
15 yrs ago
17 viewers *
Italian term

elevazione di protesti

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
Appears in a service contract for the distribution of advertising material under a clause headed "clausola risolutiva espressa- condizione risolutiva"

Context (with reference to the supplier):
Fermo restando quanto previsto al precedente art. 7, il presente accordo cesserà di avere i suoi effetti risolvendosi automaticamente nel caso in cui si verifichi una delle seguenti condizioni:
a) fallimento od assoggettamento a qualsiasi altra procedura concorsuale di una parte del presente accordo;
b) scioglimento e/o liquidazione dell'impresa di una parte del presente accordo;;
c) *elevazione di protesti* a carico di una parte del presente accordo;

Given that it appears in the context of a list of conditions relating to the solvency Supplier company I'm assuming the "protesti" are something more specific than just protests. Could it be "credit claims" made against the Supplier?



Dominic Currie (asker) Feb 23, 2010:
Answer found elsewhere Having researched this term further I think the English equivalent of "protesti" in this context (listed in association with situations of bankruptcy and insolvency) is "debt claims". See for example the following google searches In Italian:"protesti...
And in English:"debt cla...

Proposed translations

22 mins

raising protests

"Protest" is the legal term in English.

Compare English and Italian definitions in references below.
Something went wrong...
3 days 23 hrs

lodging or submission of (POD) proofs of debt in bankruptcy

Post-'grading', here is a more specific alternative for future ref. of other translators.

Debt claim looks like a tautology.
Example sentence:

Should I lodge a Proof of Debt (POD)? You are required to lodge a POD where a meeting is ... Interest that has accrued after the date of bankruptcy

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